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发布时间:2020-12-17 00:31:02 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:为什么VB.NET中的赋值运算符(=,– =,* =,/ =)不可重载? 也许 this是他们的推理: Thanks for the suggestion! We don’t allow you to overload the assignment operator for a type because there is currently no way to ensure that other languages or
为什么VB.NET中的赋值运算符(=,– =,* =,/ =)不可重载?
也许 this是他们的推理:

Thanks for the suggestion! We don’t allow you to overload the
assignment operator for a type because there is currently no way to
ensure that other languages or the .NET Framework itself will honor
the assignment operator. The only alternative is to restrict what
types that overload the assignment operator can do,but we felt that
this would be too restrictive to be generally useful.

Thanks! Paul Vick Technical Lead,VB


Dim y as MyClass1
Dim x as MyClass2 = y


见How to: Define a Conversion Operator

Class MyClass1
    Public Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal p1 As MyClass1) As MyClass2

    End Operator
End Class

Same in C#


Assignment operators cannot be overloaded,but +=,for example,is evaluated using +,which can be overloaded.

=,.,?:,??,– >,=>,f(x),as,checked,unchecked,default,delegate,is,new,sizeof,typeof

These operators cannot be overloaded.

与conversion operators相同:

struct MyType1
    public static explicit operator MyType1(MyType2 src)  //explicit conversion operator
        return new MyType1 { guts = src.guts };


