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perl STDIN

发布时间:2020-12-15 21:04:44 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:#!/usr/bin/perl ##### #####1 #####@@@get a line from keyboard,like shell read var print "What is your name? "; $name=STDIN; print "What is your father's name? "; $paname=; print "Hello respected one,$paname"; #####result #What is your name

#!/usr/bin/perl ##### #####<1> #####@@@get a line from keyboard,like shell read var print "What is your name? "; $name=<STDIN>; print "What is your father's name? "; $paname=<>; print "Hello respected one,$paname"; #####result #What is your name? Stack #What is your father's name? Tony #Hello respected one,Tony ##### #####<2> #####@@@Getting rid of trailing newline. Use chomp instead of chop. #####if there is only one char,it wouldn't be cutted. print "n###chomp and chop functin for perl beginning!!!!n"; print "Hello there,and what is your name? n"; chop($name=<STDIN>); print "$name has been chopped a n char. n"; chop($name); print "$name has been chopped again. n"; print "What is your age? n"; chomp($age=<STDIN>); print "$age has been chomped a n char. n"; chomp($age); print "$age didn't chomped again.n"; #####result: ####chomp and chop functin for perl beginning!!!! #Hello there,and what is your name? #mywords #mywords has been chopped a n char. #myword has been chopped again. #What is your age? #mywords #mywords has been chomped a n char. #mywords didn't chomped again. ##### #####<3> #####@@@Reading input in a requested number of bytes print "n###read syntax beginning !!!n"; print "Describe your favorite food in 10 bytes or less.n"; print "If you type less than 7 characters,press Ctrl-d on a line by itself.n"; $number=read(STDIN,$inputvar,7); print "You just typed: $inputvar n"; print "The number of bytes read was $number n"; #####result: ####read syntax beginning !!! #Describe your favorite food in 10 bytes or less. #If you type less than 7 characters,press Ctrl-d on a line by itself. #12345678 #You just typed: 1234567 #The number of bytes read was 7 ##### #####<4> #####@@@function getc print "Getting only one character of input!!! n"; print "Answer y or n? n"; $answer=getc; $restofit=<>; print "The getc function get the char is: $answer n"; print "The characters left in the input buffer were: $restofit n"; #####result: #Getting only one character of input!!! #Answer y or n? #y12345678redundancy #The getc function get the char is: y #The characters left in the input buffer were: #12345678redundancy ##### #####<5> #####@@@Assigning input to an array print "n###Assigning input to an array beginning!!!!n"; print "Tell me everthing about yourself. n"; @all=<STDIN>; print "your input are displayed: n@all"; print "The number of elements in the array are: ",$#all + 1," n"; print "The first element of the array is : $all[0]"; #####result: ####Assigning input to an array beginning!!!! #Tell me everthing about yourself. #first x #second x #thrid x #fourth x #your input are displayed: #first x # second x #? thrid x #?? fourth x #?? The number of elements in the array are: 4 #?? The first element of the array is : first x ##### #####<6> #####@@@assign input to a hash print "n###Assign input to a hash beginning!!!!n"; print "What is the name of course 101?n"; $course_number=101; chomp ($course{$course_number}=<STDIN>); print %course,"n"; print "print the values of key(101) is: $course{101}","n"; #####result ####Assign input to a hash beginning!!!! #What is the name of course 101? #xx #101xx #print the values of key(101) is: xx ##### #####<7> #####@@@chop(LIST) and chomp(LIST) for array. print "n###chop(LIST) and chomp(LIST) for array beginning!!!n"; @line=("red","green","orange"); chop(@line);? #Chops the last character off each string in the list; print "n@line"; @line=("red","orange"); chomp(@line); #Chomps the newline off each string in the list print "n@linen"; #####result: #re gree orang #red green orange


