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delphi – System.IOUtils初始化的TPath记录在哪里?

发布时间:2020-12-15 04:17:16 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:TPath记录具有类构造函数TPath.Create,它初始化类变量.但是,我找不到任何使用TPath.Create /被称为dispite的单元,所有变量都具有正确的值(TPath.PathSeparator,…). 解决方法 类构造函数由Delphi生成的初始化代码自动调用.类构造函数在声明它们的单元的初始
TPath记录具有类构造函数TPath.Create,它初始化类变量.但是,我找不到任何使用TPath.Create /被称为dispite的单元,所有变量都具有正确的值(TPath.PathSeparator,…).




A class constructor is a special class method that is not accessible to developers. Calls to class constructors are inserted automatically by the compiler into the initialization section of the unit where the class is defined. Normally,class constructors are used to initialize the static fields of the class or to perform a type of initialization,which is required before the class or any class instance can function properly. Even though the same result can be obtained by placing class initialization code into the initialization section,class constructors have the benefit of helping the compiler decide which classes should be included into the final binary file and which should be removed from it.

您可以通过启用Debug DCU然后在类构造函数中的代码上设置断点来看到这一点.


