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c – 调用srand如何不止一次影响随机性的质量?

发布时间:2020-12-16 05:21:13 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:这 comment,其中指出: srand(time(0)); I would put this line as the first line in main() instead if calling it multiple times ( which will actually lead to less random numbers ). ……我已经加粗了我遇到问题的路线…重复一般建议,在程序中拨打 s
这 comment,其中指出:

srand(time(0)); I would put this line as the first line in main()
instead if calling it multiple times (which will actually lead to less
random numbers

……我已经加粗了我遇到问题的路线…重复一般建议,在程序中拨打srand一次.像srand() — why call only once?这样的问题重新迭代,因为time(0)以秒为单位返回当前时间,在同一秒内多次调用srand将产生相同的种子.常见的解决方法是使用毫秒或纳秒.



Generally speaking,the pseudo-random number generator should only be
seeded once,before any calls to rand(),and the start of the program.
It should not be repeatedly seeded,or reseeded every time you wish to generate a new batch of pseudo-random numbers.

phoxis对srand() — why call only once?的回答:

Initializing once the initial state with the seed value will generate
enough random numbers as you do not set the internal state with srand,
thus making the numbers more probable to be random.



std :: time(0)函数以秒为单位返回时间.

问题是如果你每次要求一个随机数std时调用std :: srand(),那么计算机速度很快,std :: time(0)函数在调用std :: srand()之间不会改变: :srand()将继续被重置以产生相同的数字序列,直到std :: time()函数返回不同的时间(一秒后).



