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【Flex】菜单中的分割线和Check Radio

发布时间:2020-12-15 01:14:21 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:? ?xml version="1.0"? mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" mx:Script ![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Menu; // Method to create an Array-based menu. private function createAndShow():void { // The third para
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"  
            import mx.controls.Menu; 

            // Method to create an Array-based menu.  
            private function createAndShow():void { 
                // The third parameter sets the showRoot property to false. 
                // You must set this property in the createMenu method,// not later. 
                var myMenu:Menu = Menu.createMenu(null,menuData,true);//定义了一个menu 
                myMenu.show(10,10);//menu show的显示位置 

            // The Array data provider(数据提供) 
            public var menuData:Array = [ 
                {label: "MenuItem A",children: [//设置复选框 
                    {label: "SubMenuItem A-1",enabled: false},//表示是不可选的 
                    {label: "SubMenuItem A-2",type: "normal"} //一般状态 
                {label: "MenuItem B",type: "check",toggled: true},//toggled表示是否勾选 
                {label: "MenuItem C",toggled: false},{type: "separator"},//设置分割线 
                {label: "MenuItem D",children: [ 
                    {label: "SubMenuItem D-1",type: "radio",//表示同组单选的 
                        groupName: "g1"},{label: "SubMenuItem D-2",groupName: "g1",{label: "SubMenuItem D-3",groupName: "g1"}  

    <!-- Button control to create and open the menu. --> 
    <mx:Button x="300" y="10"  
        label="Open Menu"  


