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XCode无法将iPhone应用程序部署到iPhone 3GS

发布时间:2020-12-14 19:11:35 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:所以我构建了我的iPhone应用程序,它在模拟器中运行良好,所以我想在我的分发配置文件进行公开测试之前,将它部署到我的iPhone进行最后一轮测试.我已经做了很多次,这从来都不是问题.然而,自上次测试运行以来,我升级了我的iPhone(iOS 4)和XCode(版本4 DP2),所以
所以我构建了我的iPhone应用程序,它在模拟器中运行良好,所以我想在我的分发配置文件进行公开测试之前,将它部署到我的iPhone进行最后一轮测试.我已经做了很多次,这从来都不是问题.然而,自上次测试运行以来,我升级了我的iPhone(iOS 4)和XCode(版本4 DP2),所以可能问题根源于此.

构建过程运行良好并且成功 – 在此之后XCode尝试将其部署到我的iPhone并且失败了一个简单的“未知错误已经发生”.难以理解我在system.log中看了一下,这就是它所说的:

Jul 29 17:44:18 Xcode[12893]: AMDeviceStartHouseArrestService (thread 0x120e8e000): There was an error from the device: ApplicationLookupFailed

Jul 29 17:44:19 Xcode[12893]: call_and_response (thread 0x120e8e000): GOT AN ERROR 0xe800003a

Jul 29 17:44:19 Xcode[12893]: perform_command (thread 0x120e8e000): There was an error communicating with the service agent: 0xe8008001

Jul 29 17:44:19 Xcode[12893]: AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication (thread 0x120e8e000): Could not install package on device: e8008001

Jul 29 17:44:19 Xcode[12893]: Result for ‘/SourceCache/DTDeviceKit/DTDeviceKit-232.24/DTDeviceKit/DTDeviceKit_Utilities.m’ at 468 : 0xE8008001

Jul 29 17:44:19 Xcode[12893]: Result for ‘/SourceCache/IDEiPhoneSupport/IDEiPhoneSupport-45/Classes/DVTiPhoneMobileDeviceIO.m’ at 265 : 0xE8008001


通过日志中的两行判断设备出现错误以及与服务代理的通信我猜测它可能是与iPhone本身连接的问题 – 但看到与iTunes同步和所有“正常”的东西工作得很好我无法弄清楚那个问题可能是什么.



所以,环顾四周后,我在XCode Organizer的设备控制台上找到了这个:

Thu Jul 29 22:40:00 Roberts-3GS SCHelper[38] : 0x104e60 {port = 0x382b,caller = SpringBoard(42):com.apple.preferences,path = /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist}

Thu Jul 29 22:40:22 Roberts-3GS installd[960] : unrecognized status -25293 from codesigning library

Thu Jul 29 22:40:22 Roberts-3GS installd[960] : 00503000 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620415

Thu Jul 29 22:40:22 Roberts-3GS installd[960] : 00503000 preflight_application_install: Could not verify executable at /var/tmp/install_staging.0DuNfz/landu.app

Thu Jul 29 22:40:22 Roberts-3GS installd[960] : 00503000 install_application: Could not preflight application install

Thu Jul 29 22:40:22 Roberts-3GS mobile_installation_proxy[961] : handle_install: Installation failed

Thu Jul 29 22:40:22 Roberts-3GS installd[960] : 00503000 handle_install: API failed

Thu Jul 29 22:40:22 Roberts-3GS installd[960] : 00503000 send_message: failed to send mach message of 64 bytes: 10000003

Thu Jul 29 22:40:22 Roberts-3GS installd[960] : 00503000 send_error: Could not send error response to client



首先,看这里: http://9mmedia.com/blog/?p=229




get-task-allow,when signed into an application,allows other processes (like the debugger) to attach to your app. Distribution profiles require that this value be turned off,while development profiles require this value to be turned on (otherwise Xcode would never be able to launch and attach to your app). <– Not sure if this last part is true anymore.

我已经完成了你所描述的更新到iOS4以及XCode4 DP2(顺便说一句都很棒),并且没有遇到过这个问题.听起来好像安装不好或者一路上损坏或放错了位置.


