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Oracle SQL:如何使用win count,lost count等详细信息生成板球匹

发布时间:2020-12-12 12:52:03 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我在接受采访时遇到了这个问题.我必须获得积分,赢得数,失去数,匹配团队的抽奖数.我的查询给了我正确的结果,但我正在寻找一种方法来查看查询.有帮助吗? 我在查询中考虑的某些条件是: 1. If a team wins i am allocating 3 as match point and 2 if a team l


1. If a team wins i am allocating 3 as match point and 2 if a team loses
2. If the match is a tie (when winner is null) i am awarding 1 point to each team.


create table match_t(team1 varchar(20),team2 varchar(20),Winner varchar(20));

insert into match_t values('India','Pakistan','India');
insert into match_t values('India','Srilanka','India');
insert into match_t values('Srilanka','Pakistan');
insert into match_t values('Srilanka','India','Srilanka');
insert into match_t values('Pakistan','India');
insert into match_t values('Pakistan',null);
insert into match_t values('Srilanka',null);


with abc as(
select team1 as host,team2 as guest,case when team1=winner
then 1 else 0 end as host_w,case when team2 = winner
then 1 else 0 end as guest_w  
 from match_t),bac as(
 select host,3 as m_point,1 as host_win,0 as guest_win,0 as match_d from abc where host_w > guest_w
 union all
 select guest,0 as host_win,1 as guest_win,0 as match_d from abc where host_w < guest_w
union all
select guest,2 as m_point,0 as match_d from abc where host_w > guest_w
 union all
 select host,0 as match_d from abc where host_w < guest_w
 union all
 select host,1 as m_point,1 as match_d from abc where host_w = guest_w
 union all
 select guest,1 as match_d from abc where host_w = guest_w
 ),cad as(
 select host as team,sum(m_point) as match_p,sum(host_win+guest_win) as win_c,sum(match_d)  as match_d_c 
 from bac group by host),dac as(select sum(lost_c) as lost_c,team from (select count(*) as lost_c,host as team from abc where host_w=0 and guest_w <> 0
 group by host
 union all
 select count(*) as lost_c,guest as team from abc where guest_w=0 and host_w <> 0
 group by guest) group by team)
  select a.team,a.match_p,a.win_c,b.lost_c,a.match_d_c,a.win_c+b.lost_c+a.match_d_c as no_match from cad a,dac b where a.team=b.team


enter image description here


我会使用union all来做这个,但查询只是:

select team,sum(is_win) as num_wins,sum(is_loss) as num_losses,sum(is_tie) as num_ties
from ((select team1 as team,(case when winner = team1 then 1 else 0 end) as is_win,(case when winner = team2 then 1 else 0 end) as is_loss,(case when winner is null then 1 else 0 end) as is_tie
        from match_t
       ) union all
       (select team2,(case when winner = team2 then 1 else 0 end) as is_win,(case when winner = team1 then 1 else 0 end) as is_loss,(case when winner is null then 1 else 0 end) as is_tie
        from match_t
      ) t
group by team;



