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angular – 使用求值表达式的ngClass删除公共类

发布时间:2020-12-17 06:48:59 所属栏目:安全 来源:网络整理
导读:当我使用带有公共类的多个表达式的ngClass时,当表达式从false变为true时,将删除公共类c1: span [ngClass]="{'c1 c2' : showTwo,'c1 c3' : showThree,'c1 c4' : showFour}" /span 为了解决这个问题,我必须使用标准的class属性指定公共类. span class="c1" [n

<span [ngClass]="{'c1 c2' : showTwo,'c1 c3' : showThree,'c1 c4' : showFour}" ></span>


<span class="c1" [ngClass]="{'c2' : showTwo,'c3' : showThree,'c4' : showFour}" ></span>





So we are kind of saying “I want to have and not have foo class at the same time” which obviously doesn’t make sense. It is an order of class addition / removal that will lead to different results – this is not something deterministic.

I guess you need to change your code to be sth like: [ng-class]="{'active has-error': isOn,'disabled has-success': isDisabled,'has-feedback': isOn || isDisabled}".


[ng-class]="{'active has-error has-feedback': isOn,'disabled has-success has-feedback': isDisabled}" can be broken down to:

1.1: If isOn evaluates to true,add classes active,has-error and has-feedback.

1.2: If isOn evaluates to false,remove classes active,has-error and has-feedback.

2.1: If isDisabled evaluates to true,add classes disabled,has-success and has-feedback.

2.2: If isDisabled evaluates to false,remove classes disabled,has-success and has-feedback.

There is no way to keep track of how the classes were added to the element’s classList or who added them and it’s not ng-class’ purpose to do so. It just applies the rules it knows about.


