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Scala Actors而不是Java Futures

发布时间:2020-12-16 10:01:41 所属栏目:安全 来源:网络整理
导读:问题:我需要编写一个应用程序来处理几百个文件,每个文件需要几百兆字节才能完成.我使用Executors.newFixedThreadPool()创建的Future [Report]对象编写了它,但由于ExecutorService.invokeAll()返回的List [Future [Report]]对象保留在中间体上,因此出现了内
问题:我需要编写一个应用程序来处理几百个文件,每个文件需要几百兆字节才能完成.我使用Executors.newFixedThreadPool()创建的Future [Report]对象编写了它,但由于ExecutorService.invokeAll()返回的List [Future [Report]]对象保留在中间体上,因此出现了内存不足错误每个进程使用的内存.我通过在计算报告值(每个报告只有几百行)之后从处理器中的本地方法返回Report对象而不是在call方法中进行计算(来自Callable接口)来解决问题.

我想尝试使用Scala Actors来解决这个问题.我创建了一个类,它接受一系列作业(作业,结果和处理函数的参数化类型),并在一个可配置数量的Worker实例(Actor的子类)中处理每个作业.代码如下.


>我更愿意编写一个更加“功能”的调度程序版本,它不会修改jobsQueue列表或者worker hashmap,也许是从Clojure借用尾递归循环结构(我在其他Scala中使用了@tailrec def循环方法)码).

我焦急地等待Philipp Haller和Frank Sommers出版的“Actors in Scala”.


package multi_worker

import scala.actors.Actor
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch

object MultiWorker {
  private val megabyte = 1024 * 1024
  private val runtime = Runtime.getRuntime

class MultiWorker[A,B](jobs: List[A],actorCount: Int)(process: (A) => B) {
  import MultiWorker._

  sealed abstract class Message

  // Dispatcher -> Worker: Run this job and report results
  case class Process(job: A) extends Message

  // Worker -> Dispatcher: Result of processing
  case class ReportResult(id: Int,result: B) extends Message

  // Worker -> Dispatcher: I need work -- send me a job
  case class SendJob(id: Int) extends Message

  // Worker -> Dispatcher: I have stopped as requested
  case class Stopped(id: Int) extends Message

  // Dispatcher -> Worker: Stop working -- all jobs done
  case class StopWorking extends Message

   * A simple logger that can be sent text messages that will be written to the
   * console. Used so that messages from the actors do not step on each other.
  object Logger
  extends Actor {
    def act() {
      loop {
        react {
          case text: String => println(text)
          case StopWorking => exit()

   * A worker actor that will process jobs and return results to the
   * dispatcher.
  class Worker(id: Int)
  extends Actor{
    def act() {
      // Ask the dispatcher for an initial job
      dispatcher ! SendJob(id)

      loop {
        react {
          case Process(job) =>
            val startTime = System.nanoTime
            dispatcher ! ReportResult(id,process(job))

            val endTime = System.nanoTime
            val totalMemory = (runtime.totalMemory / megabyte)
            val usedMemory = totalMemory - (runtime.freeMemory / megabyte)
            val message = "Finished job " + job + " in " +
              ((endTime - startTime) / 1000000000.0) +
              " seconds using " + usedMemory +
              "MB out of total " + totalMemory + "MB"
            Logger ! message

            dispatcher ! SendJob(id)

          case StopWorking =>
            dispatcher ! Stopped(id)

  val latch = new CountDownLatch(1)
  var res = List.empty[B]

   * The job dispatcher that sends jobs to the worker until the job queue
   * (jobs: TraversableOnce[A]) is empty. It then tells the workers to
   * stop working and returns the List[B] results to the caller.
  val dispatcher = new Actor {
    def act() {
      var jobQueue = jobs
      var workers = (0 until actorCount).map(id => (id,new Worker(id))).toMap

      loop {
        react {
          case ReportResult(id,result) =>
            res = result :: res
            if (jobQueue.isEmpty && workers.isEmpty) {

          case SendJob(id) =>
            if (!jobQueue.isEmpty) {
              workers(id) ! Process(jobQueue.head)
              jobQueue = jobQueue.tail

          case Stopped(id) =>
            workers = workers - id

   * Get the results of the processing -- wait for the dispatcher to finish
   * before returning.
  def results: List[B] = {



val resultsChannel = new Channel[List[B]] // used instead of countdown latch to get the results

val dispatcher = new Actor {

  def act = loop(Nil,(0 to actorCount).map(id =>
      (id,new Worker(id).start.asInstanceOf[Worker])).toMap,Nil)

  def loop(jobQueue: List[A],// queue,workers and results are immutable lists,passed recursively through the loop
           workers: Map[Int,Worker],res: List[B]):Unit = react {
    case ReportResult(id,result) =>
      val results = result :: res
      if (results.size == jobs.size) { // when the processing is finished,sends results to the output channel        
        resultsChannel ! results

    case SendJob(id) =>
      if (!jobQueue.isEmpty) {
        workers(id) ! Process(jobQueue.head)

    case Stopped(id) =>
      loop(jobQueue,workers - id,res)


def results: List[B] = {
  resultsChannel.receive {
    case results => results // synchronously wait for the data in the channel


