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【FAQ系列】复制线程长时间Opening tables

发布时间:2020-12-15 04:57:35 所属栏目:安全 来源:网络整理
导读:《【FAQ系列】复制线程长时间Opening tables》要点: 本文介绍了【FAQ系列】复制线程长时间Opening tables,希望对您有用。如果有疑问,可以联系我们。 前言:在slave上,发现SQL thread长时间处于Opening tables状态 1、问题描述 朋友的数据库,做了主从repli

《【FAQ系列】复制线程长时间Opening tables》要点:
本文介绍了【FAQ系列】复制线程长时间Opening tables,希望对您有用。如果有疑问,可以联系我们。

前言:在slave上,发现SQL thread长时间处于Opening tables状态


朋友的数据库,做了主从replication复制.在slave实例上,SQL thread的长时间处于Opening tables状态,复制进程异常.

Opening tables




我的第一反应是table cache是不是太小了,导致open table比较慢,所以才长时间处于这个状态.无论如何,先一层层排查吧.

先看下slave status(部分无用信息我隐掉了):

mysql> show slave statusG

*************************** 1. row ***************************

Slave_IO_State: Queueing master event to the relay log

Master_Log_File: master-bin.000618

Read_Master_Log_Pos: 614915856

Relay_Log_File: replicate.000008

Relay_Log_Pos: 2384117

Relay_Master_Log_File: master-bin.000617

Slave_IO_Running: Yes

Slave_SQL_Running: Yes







Last_Errno: 0


Skip_Counter: 0

Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 252048331

Relay_Log_Space: 1438994074

Until_Condition: None


Until_Log_Pos: 0

Seconds_Behind_Master: 59240

Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No

Last_IO_Errno: 0


Last_SQL_Errno: 0



Master_Server_Id: 1


Master_Info_File: /home/mysql/master.info

SQL_Delay: 0

SQL_Remaining_Delay: NULL

Slave_SQL_Running_State: Opening tables

Master_Retry_Count: 86400






Auto_Position: 0



[root@localhost mysql]# vmstat -S m 1

procs ———–memory———- —swap– —–io—- –system– —–cpu—–

r? b?? swpd?? free?? buff? cache?? si?? so??? bi??? bo?? in?? cs us sy id wa st

0? 2????? 1? 19591??? 458 230576??? 0??? 0??? 11??? 20??? 0??? 0? 0? 0 100? 0? 0

1? 1????? 1? 19587??? 458 230579??? 0??? 0? 2032? 2528 1645? 584? 1? 1 93? 4? 0

1? 1????? 1? 19583??? 458 230582??? 0??? 0? 1664? 2712 1773? 461? 1? 1 93? 4? 0

0? 2????? 1? 19578??? 458 230585??? 0??? 0? 2080? 3376 1810? 660? 1? 1 93? 4? 0

2? 0????? 1? 19576??? 458 230587??? 0??? 0? 2224? 1804 1634? 594? 1? 1 94? 4? 0

3? 1????? 1? 19569??? 458 230590??? 0??? 0? 1968? 3488 1693? 566? 1? 1 93? 4? 0

1? 1????? 1? 19567??? 458 230593??? 0??? 0? 2016? 2632 1775? 515? 1? 1 93? 4? 0

[root@localhost mysql]# sar -d 1

Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 (localhost.localdomain)???? 03/21/2015????? _x86_64_??????? (24 CPU)

03:21:57 PM?????? DEV?????? tps? rd_sec/s? wr_sec/s? avgrq-sz? avgqu-sz???? await???? svctm???? %util

03:21:58 PM??? dev8-0??? 185.86?? 5753.54???? 64.65???? 31.30????? 1.20????? 6.48????? 5.08???? 94.44

03:21:58 PM?????? DEV?????? tps? rd_sec/s? wr_sec/s? avgrq-sz? avgqu-sz???? await???? svctm???? %util

03:21:59 PM??? dev8-0??? 197.03?? 6114.85???? 95.05???? 31.52????? 1.16????? 5.88????? 4.48???? 88.32

03:21:59 PM?????? DEV?????? tps? rd_sec/s? wr_sec/s? avgrq-sz? avgqu-sz???? await???? svctm???? %util

03:22:00 PM??? dev8-0??? 188.89?? 5882.83???? 88.89???? 31.61????? 1.14????? 6.03????? 5.09???? 96.16

03:22:00 PM?????? DEV?????? tps? rd_sec/s? wr_sec/s? avgrq-sz? avgqu-sz???? await???? svctm???? %util

03:22:01 PM??? dev8-0??? 166.00?? 5152.00???? 80.00???? 31.52????? 1.42????? 8.56????? 5.58???? 92.70


2015-04-21 14:51:04 18667 [ERROR] Native table ‘performance_schema’.’objects_summary_global_by_type’ has the wrong structure

2015-04-21 14:51:04 18667 [ERROR] Incorrect definition of table performance_schema.rwlock_instances: expected column ‘WRITE_LOCKED_BY_THREAD_ID’ at position 2 to have type bigint(20),found type int(11).

2015-04-21 14:51:04 18667 [ERROR] Native table ‘performance_schema’.’setup_actors’ has the wrong structure

2015-04-21 14:51:04 18667 [ERROR] Native table ‘performance_schema’.’setup_objects’ has the wrong structure

2015-04-21 14:51:04 18667 [ERROR] Native table ‘performance_schema’.’table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage’ has the wrong structure

2015-04-21 14:51:04 18667 [ERROR] Native table ‘performance_schema’.’table_io_waits_summary_by_table’ has the wrong structure

2015-04-21 14:51:04 18667 [ERROR] Native table ‘performance_schema’.’table_lock_waits_summary_by_table’ has the wrong structure

2015-04-21 14:51:04 18667 [ERROR] Column count of mysql.threads is wrong. Expected 14,found 3. Created with MySQL 50524,now running 50623. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.

2015-04-21 14:51:04 18667 [ERROR] Native table ‘performance_schema’.’events_stages_current’ has the wrong structure

2015-04-21 14:51:04 18667 [ERROR] Native table ‘performance_schema’.’events_stages_history’ has the wrong structure

2015-04-21 14:51:04 18667 [ERROR] Native table ‘performance_schema’.’events_stages_history_long’ has the wrong structure

2015-04-21 15:05:17 7f5997fff700 InnoDB: Error: Table “mysql”.”innodb_table_stats” not found.

2015-04-21 15:05:17 7f5997fff700 InnoDB: Error: Fetch of persistent statistics requested for table “db_anonymous_info_10”.”t_friend_info_3″ but the required system tables mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats are not present or have unexpected structure. Using transient stats instead.

2015-04-21 15:05:17 7f7beb0cd700 InnoDB: Error: Table “mysql”.”innodb_table_stats” not found.

2015-04-21 15:05:17 7f7beb0cd700 InnoDB: Error: Fetch of persistent statistics requested for table “db_user_trade_1”.”t_trade_15″ but the required system tables mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats are not present or have unexpected structure. Using transient stats instead.


