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windows-phone-7 – 例外; mscorlib.ni.dll中出现“System.Forma

发布时间:2020-12-14 05:24:59 所属栏目:Windows 来源:网络整理
导读:你好我有一个 Windows Phone 8应用程序,我得到了例外 An exception of type ‘System.FormatException’ occurred in mscorlib.ni.dll but was not handled in user code Here are the code private void Button_Click_1(object sender,RoutedEventArgs e) {
你好我有一个 Windows Phone 8应用程序,我得到了例外

An exception of type ‘System.FormatException’ occurred in mscorlib.ni.dll but was not handled in user code

Here are the code

private void Button_Click_1(object sender,RoutedEventArgs e)
        double basestolen;
        double attempedstales;
        double avarege;
        double putout;

         if (puttext.Text.Length == 0 | basetext.Text.Length==0 )

            MessageBox.Show(" Enter Values for Base Stolen and Putouts ");


         basestolen = Convert.ToDouble(basetext.Text);
        putout = Convert.ToDouble(puttext.Text);

        attempedstales = basestolen + putout;

        if (attempedstales != 0  )

            avarege = (((basestolen / attempedstales) / 100));
            avarege = avarege * 10000;
            avgtext.Text = Convert.ToString(avarege);

            MessageBox.Show("Attemped Stales Value should not be Zero");





basestolen = Convert.ToDouble(basetext.Text);
putout = Convert.ToDouble(puttext.Text);

如果数字不是有效格式,则抛出FormatException. (see more here).尝试使用double.TryParse以安全的方式解析您的值.

double result;    
bool success = double.TryParse(basetext.Text,NumberStyles.Any,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,out result);


