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windows-server-2008 – 系统帐户登录每30秒失败一次

发布时间:2020-12-13 23:33:54 所属栏目:Windows 来源:网络整理
导读:我们在SQL故障转移群集中运行了两个 Windows 2008 R2 SP1服务器.在其中一个上,我们每隔30秒就会在安全日志中收到以下事件.空白的部分实际上是空白的.有没有人见过类似的问题,或协助追查这些事件的原因?没有其他事件日志显示我可以告诉的任何相关内容. Log N
我们在SQL故障转移群集中运行了两个 Windows 2008 R2 SP1服务器.在其中一个上,我们每隔30秒就会在安全日志中收到以下事件.空白的部分实际上是空白的.有没有人见过类似的问题,或协助追查这些事件的原因?没有其他事件日志显示我可以告诉的任何相关内容.
Log Name:      Security
 Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing
 Date:          10/17/2012 10:02:04 PM
 Event ID:      4625
 Task Category: Logon
 Level:         Information
 Keywords:      Audit Failure
 User:          N/A
 Computer:      SERVERNAME.domainname.local
 An account failed to log on.

 Security ID:       SYSTEM
 Account Name:      SERVERNAME$
 Account Domain:        DOMAINNAME
 Logon ID:      0x3e7

 Logon Type:            3

 Account For Which Logon Failed:
    Security ID:        NULL SID
    Account Name:       
    Account Domain:     

 Failure Information:
    Failure Reason:     Unknown user name or bad password.
    Status:         0xc000006d
    Sub Status:     0xc0000064

 Process Information:
     Caller Process ID: 0x238
     Caller Process Name:   C:WindowsSystem32lsass.exe

 Network Information:
     Workstation Name:  SERVERNAME
     Source Network Address:    -
     Source Port:       -

 Detailed Authentication Information:
     Logon Process:     Schannel
     Authentication Package:    Kerberos
     Transited Services:    -
     Package Name (NTLM only):  -
     Key Length:        0


Log Name:      Security
 Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing
 Date:          10/17/2012 10:02:04 PM
 Event ID:      4625
 Task Category: Logon
 Level:         Information
 Keywords:      Audit Failure
 User:          N/A
 Computer:      SERVERNAME.domainname.local
 An account failed to log on.

     Security ID:       NULL SID
     Account Name:      -
     Account Domain:        -
     Logon ID:      0x0

 Logon Type:            3

 Account For Which Logon Failed:
     Security ID:       NULL SID
     Account Name:      
     Account Domain:        

  Failure Information:
     Failure Reason:        An Error occured during Logon.
     Status:            0xc000006d
     Sub Status:        0x80090325

 Process Information:
      Caller Process ID:    0x0
      Caller Process Name:  -

 Network Information:
     Workstation Name:  -
     Source Network Address:    -
     Source Port:       -

 Detailed Authentication Information:
     Logon Process:     Schannel
     Authentication Package:    Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider
     Transited Services:    -
     Package Name (NTLM only):  -
     Key Length:        0


Kerberos AS_Request Cname:CN = SQLInstanceName Realm:domain.local Sname krbtgt / domain.local



A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested.

 Account Information:
         Account Name:      X509N:<S>CN=SQLInstanceName
     Supplied Realm Name:   domain.local
     User ID:           NULL SID

 Service Information:
     Service Name:      krbtgt/domain.local
     Service ID:        NULL SID

 Network Information:
     Client Address:        ::ffff:
     Client Port:       58207

 Additional Information:
     Ticket Options:        0x40810010
     Result Code:       0x6
     Ticket Encryption Type:    0xffffffff
     Pre-Authentication Type:   -

 Certificate Information:
    Certificate Issuer Name:        
    Certificate Serial Number:  
    Certificate Thumbprint:


我使用Microsoft网络监视器来查找导致此问题的流量,并在此SQL服务器和我们的AD2服务器之间找到流量. SQL服务器正在为SQL实例名称的计算机帐户发送Kerberos AS_REQ. AD服务器将以KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN响应.我查看了AD2服务器上的安全日志,发现了如下的失败审核:
A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested.

  Account Information:
     Account Name:      X509N:<S>CN=SQLInstanceName
     Supplied Realm Name:   domain.local
     User ID:           NULL SID

  Service Information:
     Service Name:      krbtgt/domain.local
     Service ID:        NULL SID

这似乎是一些证书请求.然后,我使用了SysInternals Process Monitor,发现来自具有相同时间戳的自定义服务的流量.它正在查询所有证书商店而没有找到任何东西.



