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python – 乘法结果为负零

发布时间:2020-12-20 11:17:25 所属栏目:Python 来源:网络整理
导读:谁能告诉我为什么下面提到的代码的输出是负零? a * b = -0 这里’a’是long类型,b是十进制类的对象…..如果a = -28且b = 0,则输出为-0 解决方法 从 Python decimal 文档: The signed zeros can result from calculations that underflow. They keep the si

a * b = -0

这里’a’是long类型,b是十进制类的对象…..如果a = -28且b = 0,则输出为-0


从 Python decimal文档:

The signed zeros can result from calculations that underflow. They keep the sign that would have resulted if the calculation had been carried out to greater precision. Since their magnitude is zero,both positive and negative zeros are treated as equal and their sign is informational.


