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发布时间:2020-12-16 22:42:17 所属栏目:Python 来源:网络整理
导读:任何人都可以建议如何计算三点之间的角度(纬度长坐标) A : (12.92473,77.6183)B : (12.92512,77.61923)C : (12.92541,77.61985) 最佳答案 假设您需要角度ABC(B是角度的顶点),我会看到两种解决问题的主要方法.由于您的三个点彼此接近(纬度小于0.0007°,经度相


A : (12.92473,77.6183)
B : (12.92512,77.61923)
C : (12.92541,77.61985)


import numpy as np
import math

def latlong_to_3d(latr,lonr):
    """Convert a point given latitude and longitude in radians to
    3-dimensional space,assuming a sphere radius of one."""
    return np.array((
        math.cos(latr) * math.cos(lonr),math.cos(latr) * math.sin(lonr),math.sin(latr)

def angle_between_vectors_degrees(u,v):
    """Return the angle between two vectors in any dimension space,in degrees."""
    return np.degrees(
        math.acos(np.dot(u,v) / (np.linalg.norm(u) * np.linalg.norm(v))))

# The points in tuple latitude/longitude degrees space
A = (12.92473,77.6183)
B = (12.92512,77.61923)
C = (12.92541,77.61985)

# Convert the points to numpy latitude/longitude radians space
a = np.radians(np.array(A))
b = np.radians(np.array(B))
c = np.radians(np.array(C))

# Vectors in latitude/longitude space
avec = a - b
cvec = c - b

# Adjust vectors for changed longitude scale at given latitude into 2D space
lat = b[0]
avec[1] *= math.cos(lat)
cvec[1] *= math.cos(lat)

# Find the angle between the vectors in 2D space
angle2deg = angle_between_vectors_degrees(avec,cvec)

# The points in 3D space
a3 = latlong_to_3d(*a)
b3 = latlong_to_3d(*b)
c3 = latlong_to_3d(*c)

# Vectors in 3D space
a3vec = a3 - b3
c3vec = c3 - b3

# Find the angle between the vectors in 2D space
angle3deg = angle_between_vectors_degrees(a3vec,c3vec)

# Print the results
print('nThe angle ABC in 2D space in degrees:',angle2deg)
print('nThe angle ABC in 3D space in degrees:',angle3deg)


The angle ABC in 2D space in degrees: 177.64369006

The angle ABC in 3D space in degrees: 177.643487338



