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perl – Data :: Dumper ::简单用法

发布时间:2020-12-16 06:27:51 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:只是感兴趣:有没有办法在下面的代码片段中做第二种形式的Dumper? use Modern::Perl;use Data::Dumper::Simple;my $data = { name = 'jim',age = 21,updated = time() };my $timestr = localtime($data-{updated});say Dumper($data-{updated},$timestr);#

use Modern::Perl;
use Data::Dumper::Simple;

my $data = { name => 'jim',age => 21,updated => time() };

my $timestr = localtime($data->{updated});
say Dumper($data->{updated},$timestr);
# output:
# $data->{updated} = 1338537112;
# $timestr = 'Fri Jun  1 08:51:52 2012';

say Dumper($data->{updated},scalar localtime($data->{updated} ));

# compiliation error:
# say (...) interpreted as function at c:temptest4.pl line 9.
# syntax error at c:temptest4.pl line 9,near "}]"


报价 the docs:

Do not try to call Dumper() with a subroutine in the argument list:

Dumper($foo,some_sub()); # Bad!

The filter gets confused by the parentheses. Your author was going to fix this but it became apparent that there was no way that Dumper() could figure out how to name the return values from the subroutines,thus ensuring further breakage. So don’t do that.


