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发布时间:2020-12-16 00:32:23 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:######################read()函数中的offset参数含义 read (FILEHANBD,$var,$length,$offset) read 函数有四个参数,最容易误解的是$offset 它的含义看官方文档,解释是: An OFFSET may be specified to place the read data at some place in the string o
read (FILEHANBD,$var,$length,$offset)
read 函数有四个参数,最容易误解的是$offset

An OFFSET may be specified to place the read data at some place in the string other than the beginning. A negative OFFSET specifies placement at that many characters counting backwards from the end of the string. A positive OFFSET greater than the length of SCALAR results in the string being padded to the required size with "" bytes before the result of the read is appended.


函数的开销是很大的。 A循环地调用一个函数 B在函数中循环地进行一个操作 从性能上说,B比A好。 #####################glob的用法--读取一个目录下的所有文件 1. 比如要读取/home/globtest目录中的所有文件,可以这样写:@plFiles = glob '/home/globtest/*.*'; 上面的glob的用法相当于如下 opendir(Dir,"/home/globtest");#注意这是在Linux的写法,若在Windows下,应该写为opendir(Dir,"F:homeglobtest"); @Files=readdir(Dir); closedir(Dir); foreach $Cur(@Files){ $File="/home/globtest".$Cur; open(IN,$File); while(<IN>){ ...... ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?} close(IN); } 2 .?@many = glob "{apple,tomato,cherry}={green,yellow,red}"; 把@many数组输出就能看到会显示: 1 apple=green 2 apple=yellow 3 apple=red 4 tomato=green 5 tomato=yellow 6 tomato=red 7 cherry=green 8 cherry=yellow 9 cherry=red


