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arguments for subroutine in Perl

发布时间:2020-12-16 00:05:07 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:Perl automatically stores the paremeter list in the special array variable named @_ for the duration of the subroutine. The subroutines can get the number of arguments and the value of those arguments. $_[0],$_[1] ....,they are different f

Perl automatically stores the paremeter list in the special array variable named @_ for the duration of the subroutine. The subroutines can get the number of arguments and the value of those arguments. $_[0],$_[1] ....,they are different from $_ ? ? (almost used in foreach circulation),the former one is array and the last one is scalar.

my $arguments; #private variables


