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Perl 代码片段记录

发布时间:2020-12-15 23:47:22 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:1、Perl 调用环境中的命令, 如linux 命令,windows 的cmd ?命令等,此处使用简单的反引号调用,可以捕捉命令的输出,且每次输出都带一个回车换行: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; sub main { foreach (@INC) { print "$_ : ".`ls $_`; # call ls command! } }

1、Perl 调用环境中的命令, 如linux 命令,windows 的cmd ?命令等,此处使用简单的反引号调用,可以捕捉命令的输出,且每次输出都带一个回车换行:

 use strict;

 sub main {
     foreach (@INC) {
         print "$_ : ".`ls $_`;  # call ls command!
 &main ();

2、 函数 localtime (),返回本地时间的各项时间数据的列表, (seconds,minutes,hours,day of month,month,year,day of week,day of year,daylight savings time)

use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIx;

my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
	localtime (); # list context
my $now = scalar (localtime); # scalar context

$year += 1900;
$mon += 1;

3、 简单的脚本程序,ping一台主机,是否能在长时间内稳定的ping上。注意使用管理员权限运行。思路很简单: 连续的ping这台主机,如果不能ping上,就记录日志,如果能ping上,继续ping

使用到的模块:File::Log????? Net::Ping


# author : ez
# date : 2015/3/5
# describe : test the host reachable and print 
# 			the none reachable time;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Ping;
use File::Log;

package Main;

# global
my $host = ""; # the remote host
my $proto = "icmp";     # protocol to ping
my $logfile = "./log.txt";   # log file name
my $file = undef;   # log file handle
my $pn = undef;     # ping entity

sub _init_log_file {
	$file = File::Log -> new ({
		debug 		=> 4,logFileName => $logfile,logFileMode => ">>",dateTimeStamp => 1,stderrRedirect => 1,defaultFile => 1,logFileDateTime => 0,appName => "reachable.pl",PIDstamp => 0,storeExpText => 1,msgprepend => '',say => 1
	return $file if $file;

sub main {
	$pn = Net::Ping -> new ($proto);
	$file = &_init_log_file;
	die "i cannot open log file or init ping entityrn" 
		unless ($file || $pn);
	while (1) {
		if (! ($pn -> ping ($host,2))) {
			$file -> msg (2,"$host is not alive.");

	$file -> close () if $file;
	$pn -> close () if $pn;


4、 perl here document: 从标记声明的下一行开始,一直到遇到标记为止的所有字符串,赋值给变量:

#! perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my $a = 100;
my $b = 20;
my $str = <<__end
	hello $a;
	hello $b;
	this is @INC;
print $str;
此处将保留<<__end到__end之间的字符串格式,当输出时,按此格式输出,省事!$a和 $b 都将扩展成值。注意 << 和 标记名称必须靠在一起,且结束标记下一行要加上分号,不能写在同一行,否则perl 解释器会认为结束标记包含分号。

5、 Strawberry Perl 在windows 7 输出中文:

#! perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.14;
use utf8;
# use Encode qw(encode decode);
# use encoding "utf8",STDOUT => 'gbk';

sub test_chinese  {
	my $gb2312_str = "中国";
	binmode (STDOUT,':encoding(gbk)');
	print $gb2312_str;


windows7 和 xp默认使用的是GBK编码中文,将之转码为GBK即可正常显示中文。 注: 文件编码是用notepad++ ,编码方式为UTF-8,不带BOM。


