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perl – 双正斜杠在这里是什么意思?

发布时间:2020-12-15 21:13:27 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:我是Perl的新人,在工作中遇到了这段代码,我搜索了一段时间,但没有找到答案.任何人都可以用简单的英文解释其功能吗?谢谢. my $abc = delete $args{ 'abc' } // croak 'some information!'; 解决方法 从此页面: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlop.html#Logical
my $abc = delete $args{ 'abc' } // croak 'some information!';


从此页面: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlop.html#Logical-Defined-Or

Although it has no direct equivalent in C,Perl’s // operator is related to its C-style or. In fact,it’s exactly the same as ||,except that it tests the left hand side’s definedness instead of its truth. Thus,EXPR1 // EXPR2 returns the value of EXPR1 if it’s defined,otherwise,the value of EXPR2 is returned. (EXPR1 is evaluated in scalar context,EXPR2 in the context of // itself). Usually,this is the same result as defined(EXPR1) ? EXPR1 : EXPR2 (except that the ternary-operator form can be used as a lvalue,while EXPR1 // EXPR2 cannot). This is very useful for providing default values for variables. If you actually want to test if at least one of $a and $b is defined,use defined($a // $b).


