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发布时间:2020-12-15 21:05:50 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:$ man grep ? ? ? ?-G,--basic-regexp ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Interpret PATTERN as a basic regular expression (BRE,see below). ?This is the default. ? ? ? ?-P,--perl-regexp ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Interpret PATTERN as a Perl regular expression. ?This is highly
$ man grep

? ? ? ?-G,--basic-regexp
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Interpret PATTERN as a basic regular expression (BRE,see below). ?This is the default.

? ? ? ?-P,--perl-regexp
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Interpret PATTERN as a Perl regular expression. ?This is highly experimental and grep -P may
? ? ? ? ? ? ? warn of unimplemented features.

? ?Matching Control
? ? ? ?-e PATTERN,--regexp=PATTERN
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Use ?PATTERN ?as ?the ?pattern. ?This can be used to specify multiple search patterns,or to
? ? ? ? ? ? ? protect a pattern beginning with a hyphen (-). ?(-e is specified by POSIX.)

? ? ? ?-f FILE,--file=FILE
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Obtain patterns from FILE,one per ?line. ? The ?empty ?file ?contains ?zero ?patterns,?and
? ? ? ? ? ? ? therefore matches nothing. ?(-f is specified by POSIX.)

? ? ? ?-i,--ignore-case
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Ignore ?case ?distinctions ?in ?both ?the ?PATTERN and the input files. ?(-i is specified by
? ? ? ? ? ? ? POSIX.)

? ? ? ?-v,--invert-match
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Invert the sense of matching,to select non-matching lines. ?(-v is specified by POSIX.)

? ? ? ?-w,--word-regexp
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Select only those lines containing matches that form whole words. ? The ?test ?is ?that ?the
? ? ? ? ? ? ? matching ?substring ?must ?either be at the beginning of the line,or preceded by a non-word
? ? ? ? ? ? ? constituent character. ?Similarly,it must be either at the end of the line or followed by a
? ? ? ? ? ? ? non-word ?constituent ?character. ? Word-constituent characters are letters,digits,and the
? ? ? ? ? ? ? underscore.

? ? ? ?-x,--line-regexp
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Select only those matches that exactly match the whole line. ?(-x is specified by POSIX.)

? ? ? ?-y ? ? Obsolete synonym for -i.

? ?General Output Control

? ? ? ?-c,--count





