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在尝试模拟Hash Elements的gets和puts时,RSpec无法定义单例错误

发布时间:2020-12-17 02:38:58 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我有一个Book Model,它是一个 ruby脚本,可以为程序中提到的某些预定义书籍标题分配价格.以下是书籍模型的外观: – class Book attr_accessor :books def initialize books puts "Welcome to setting book price program" @books = books end def get_prices
我有一个Book Model,它是一个 ruby脚本,可以为程序中提到的某些预定义书籍标题分配价格.以下是书籍模型的外观: –

class Book

  attr_accessor :books  
  def initialize books
    puts "Welcome to setting book price program"
    @books = books

  def get_prices
    puts "Please enter appropriate price for each book item:-"
    count = 0
    @books = @books.inject({}) { |hash,book|
      print "#{book.first}: "
      price = STDIN.gets.chomp
      while (price !~ /^[1-9]d*$/ && price != "second hand")
        puts "Price can't be 0 or a negative integer or in decimal format or alphanumeric. nPlease input appropriate price in integer"
        price = STDIN.gets.chomp #gets.chomp - throws error
      price == "second hand" ? price = "100" : price #takes a default price
      hash[book.first] = price.to_i


books = {"The Last Samurai" => nil,"Ruby Cookbook" =>  nil,"Rails Recipes" =>  nil,"Agile Development with Rails" =>  nil,"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" =>  nil}

book_details = Book.new(books)
puts "n*******Books Details:#{book_details.books}******n"


require 'spec_helper'

describe Book do

  before :each do
    books = {"The Last Samurai" => nil,"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" =>  nil}
    @book = Book.new(books)

  describe "#new" do
    it "Should be an instance of the Book" do
      @book.should be_an_instance_of Book

  describe "#getprice" do
    it "Should get the price in the correct format or else return appropriate error" do
      puts "n************************************************************************n"
      book_obj = @book
      STDOUT.should_receive(:puts).and_return("Welcome to setting book price program")
      book_obj.get_prices.should_not be_nil
      book_obj.books["The Last Samurai"].stub!(:gets) {"40"} #trying to set the value for one book using Hash
      book_obj.books["The Last Samurai"].should == 40 #verifying the value set for a particular key is accurate


你甚至可以从Github clone this code尝试这个.我使用的是Ruby 1.9.3和rspec 2.11.0

The error that I'm getting currently is:-


  1) Book#getprice Should get the price in the correct format or else return appropriate error
     Failure/Error: book_obj.books["The Last Samurai"].stub!(:gets) {"40"} #trying to set the value for one book using Hash
       can't define singleton
     # ./spec/book_spec.rb:31:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 7.61 seconds
2 examples,1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/book_spec.rb:21 # Book#getprice Should get the price in the correct format or else return appropriate error



it "Incorrect input format should return error message asking user to re input" do
      puts "n************************************************************************n"
      book_obj = @book
      STDIN.stub(:gets) { "40abc" }

      #book_obj.get_prices.should be_nil --> adding this line of code goes into an infinite loop with the error message below
      #Price cannot be 0 or a negative integer or in decimal format or alphanumeric. nPlease input appropriate duration in integern

      STDOUT.should_receive(:puts).and_return("Price cannot be 0 or a negative integer or in decimal format or alphanumeric. nPlease input appropriate duration in integern")

      #the below two tests fails with syntax error - don't seem that easy to figure out what's going wrong

      #STDOUT.should_receive("Price cannot be 0 or a negative integer or in decimal format or alphanumeric. nPlease input appropriate duration in integern")
      #STDOUT.should == "Price cannot be 0 or a negative integer or in decimal format or alphanumeric. nPlease input appropriate duration in integern"


  1) Book#getprice Incorrect input format should return error message asking user to re input
     Failure/Error: STDOUT.should_receive(:puts).and_return("Price cannot be 0 or a negative integer or in decimal format or alphanumeric. nPlease input appropriate duration in integern")
       (#<IO:0x00000001c7b298>).puts(any args)
           expected: 1 time
           received: 0 times
     # ./spec/book_spec.rb:40:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'



如果使用–backtrace标志运行规范,您将看到在 https://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/blob/v2.13.0/lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#L140上引发错误,其中rspec-mocks正在尝试获取对象的单例类被存根或模拟.这适用于大多数类的实例,但规范中存在错误.

代码发送到STDIN,但规范是试图存取到book_obj.books [“The Last Samurai”],当时是一个int,你不能从int得到一个单例:

1.9.3-p392 :001 > class << 1; self; end
TypeError: can't define singleton
        from (irb):1
    from /Users/david/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p392/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'

如果我理解正确,您想进行两项更改.首先,将脚本的最后几行移动到一个单独的文件中,该文件在运行规范时不会被加载,例如bin / books(它可能需要book.rb然后添加这些行).

接下来,删除存根在book_obj.books [“The Last Samurai”]上获取的行,并在调用get_prices的行之前添加一条存根获取STDIN的行(这是与STDIN发生交互时):

STDIN.stub(:gets) { "40" }
book_obj.get_prices.should_not be_nil


一般来说,直接处理w / STDIN和STDOUT的代码很难在对象级别进行规范,因为像rspec,minitest等测试工具都使用STDOUT来显示它们的信息,因此你最终会遇到很多令人困惑的噪音.贝壳.我建议更改设计以将输入/输出流注入书类(在运行脚本时可以是STDIN和STDOUT,但在运行rspec时测试可以加倍),或者使用像aruba这样设计的工具规范交互式shell脚本.


