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c – 为什么我可以构造一个包含多个字符串文字的字符串?

发布时间:2020-12-16 10:44:06 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:参见英文答案 Why allow concatenation of string literals?????????????????????????????????????10个 #include iostream#include stringint main() { std::string str = "hello " "world" "!"; std::cout str;} 以下编译,运行和打印: hello world! see li
参见英文答案 > Why allow concatenation of string literals?????????????????????????????????????10个

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    std::string str = "hello " "world" "!";
    std::cout << str;


hello world!

see live


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    std::string str = "hello " + "world";
    std::cout << str;

see live



相邻的字符串文字是连接的,我们可以在 draft C++ standard部分中看到这一点.2.2翻译阶段第6段说:

Adjacent string literal tokens are concatenated

在你的另一种情况下,没有定义operator+采取两个* const char **.

至于为什么,这来自C,我们可以转到Rationale for International Standard—Programming Languages—C,它在第6.4.5节中说明了字符串文字:

A string can be continued across multiple lines by using the backslash–newline line continuation,but this requires that the continuation of the string start in the first position of the next line. To permit more flexible layout,and to solve some preprocessing problems (see §6.10.3),the C89 Committee introduced string literal concatenation. Two string literals in a row are pasted together,with no null character in the middle,to make one combined string literal. This addition to the C language allows a programmer to extend a string literal beyond the end of a physical line without having to use the backslash–newline mechanism and thereby destroying the indentation scheme of the program. An explicit concatenation operator was not introduced because the concatenation is a lexical construct rather than a run-time operation.


std::string str = "hello 



