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发布时间:2020-12-16 10:36:49 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我正在学习C并且让我的代码完成我想要的所有操作,但似乎代码效率不高,因为我基本上将输出控制台中的代码加倍,因此它显示在文本文件中.如果可以的话,你能解释一下我做错了什么,你建议我做些什么来提高代码的效率. (第一列需要左对齐,第二列必须在控制台和文本
我正在学习C并且让我的代码完成我想要的所有操作,但似乎代码效率不高,因为我基本上将输出控制台中的代码加倍,因此它显示在文本文件中.如果可以的话,你能解释一下我做错了什么,你建议我做些什么来提高代码的效率. (第一列需要左对齐,第二列必须在控制台和文本文件中都是正确的,我相信我做的正确.)

/*  Description: This program calculates and prints the monthly paycheck for an employee (Output in command prompt and .txt file).*/

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;        
char name[256];
double gross;
double fiTax;
double sTax;
double ssTax;
double mediTax;
double pPlan;
double hInsurance;
double tax;
double total;

int main() {  
    std::cout << "Please enter your name: ";
    cout << "Please enter your gross amount: ";
    cin >> gross;            
    std::cout << std::fixed;    
    std::cout << std::setprecision(2);    
    fiTax = gross * .15;
    sTax = gross * .035;
    ssTax = gross * .0575;
    mediTax = gross * .0275;
    pPlan = gross * .05;
    hInsurance = 75;

    tax = fiTax + sTax + ssTax + mediTax + pPlan + hInsurance;    
    total = gross - tax;    

    ofstream file;
    file << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);

    cout << left<< setw(28) << name << endl;
    file << left << setw(28) << name << endl;

    cout << left << setw(28) << "Gross Amount: ............ $";
    cout << right << setw(7) << gross << endl;

    file << left << setw(28) << "Gross Amount: ............ $";
    file << right << setw(7) << gross << endl;

    cout << left << setw(28) << "Federal Tax: ............. $";
    cout << right << setw(7) << fiTax << endl;

    file << left << setw(28) << "Federal Tax: ............. $";
    file << right << setw(7) << fiTax << endl;

    cout << left << setw(28) << "State Tax: ............... $";
    cout << right << setw(7) << sTax << endl;

    file << left << setw(28) << "State Tax: ............... $";
    file << right << setw(7) << sTax << endl;

    cout << left << setw(28) << "Social Security Tax: ..... $";
    cout << right << setw(7) << ssTax << endl;

    file << left << setw(28) << "Social Security Tax: ..... $";
    file << right << setw(7) << ssTax << endl;

    cout << left << setw(28) << "Medicare/medicaid Tax: ... $";
    cout << right << setw(7) << mediTax << endl;

    file << left << setw(28) << "Medicare/medicaid Tax: ... $";
    file << right << setw(7) << mediTax << endl;

    cout << left << setw(28) << "Pension Plan: ............ $";
    cout << right << setw(7) << pPlan << endl;

    file << left << setw(28) << "Pension Plan: ............ $";
    file << right << setw(7) << pPlan << endl;

    cout << left << setw(28) << "Health Insurance: ........ $";
    cout << right << setw(7) << hInsurance << endl;

    file << left << setw(28) << "Health Insurance: ........ $";
    file << right << setw(7) << hInsurance << endl;

    cout << left << setw(28) << "Net Pay: ................. $";
    cout << right << setw(7) << total << endl;

    file << left << setw(28) << "Net Pay: ................. $";
    file << right << setw(7) << total << endl;

    return 0;



void WriteToFileAndOutput(const double &val,const string &s,ofstream &fname) {
cout << left << setw(28) << s;
cout << right << setw(7) << val << endl;

fname << left << setw(28) << s;
fname << right << setw(7) << val << endl;
//You can use it as
WriteToFileAndOutput(gross,"Gross Amount: ............ $",file);
WriteToFileAndOutput(fiTax,"Federal Tax: ............. $",file);

> C具有内置字符串数据类型,使用它而不是char数组.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

void WriteToFileAndOutput(const double &val,ofstream &fname) {
    cout << left << setw(28) << s;
    cout << right << setw(7) << val << endl;

    fname << left << setw(28) << s;
    fname << right << setw(7) << val << endl;

int main() {

    string name;
    double gross,fiTax,sTax,ssTax,mediTax,pPlan,hInsurance,tax,total;
    cout << "Please enter your name: ";
    cout << "Please enter your gross amount: ";
    cin >> gross;

    cout << fixed;
    cout << setprecision(2);

    fiTax = gross * .15;
    sTax = gross * .035;
    ssTax = gross * .0575;
    mediTax = gross * .0275;
    pPlan = gross * .05;
    hInsurance = 75;
    tax = fiTax + sTax + ssTax + mediTax + pPlan + hInsurance;
    total = gross - tax;

    ofstream file;

    file << fixed << setprecision(2);

    cout << left << setw(28) << name << endl;
    file << left << setw(28) << name << endl; 

    WriteToFileAndOutput(sTax,"State Tax: ............... $",file);
    WriteToFileAndOutput(ssTax,"Social Security Tax: ..... $",file);
    WriteToFileAndOutput(mediTax,"Medicare/medicaid Tax: ... $",file);
    WriteToFileAndOutput(pPlan,"Pension Plan: ............ $",file);
    WriteToFileAndOutput(hInsurance,"Health Insurance: ........ $",file);
    WriteToFileAndOutput(total,"Net Pay: ................. $",file);

    return 0;


