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发布时间:2020-12-16 05:26:39 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:只要我有一个包含声明为void g(void(* callback)())的函数的C库;以下代码优雅但非法: struct A{ // error C2159: more than one storage class specified (VC++ Nov 2012 CTP) static extern "C" void callback() {}};g(A::callback); 为什么C11不支持这个
只要我有一个包含声明为void g(void(* callback)())的函数的C库;以下代码优雅但非法:
struct A
    // error C2159: more than one storage class specified (VC++ Nov 2012 CTP)
    static extern "C" void callback()





1) All function types,function names with external linkage,and variable names with external linkage have a language linkage.





4) Linkage specifications nest. When linkage specifications nest,the innermost one determines the language
linkage. A linkage specification does not establish a scope. A linkage-specification shall occur only in namespace scope (3.3). In a linkage-specification,the specified language linkage applies to the function types of all function declarators,and variable names with external linkage declared within the linkage-specification. A C language linkage is ignored in determining the language linkage of the names of class members and the function type of class member functions.



extern "C" typedef void FUNC_c();

class C {
   // the name of the function mf1 and the member 
   // function’s type have C++ language linkage; the 
   // parameter has type pointer to C function
   void mf1(FUNC_c*);

   // the name of the function mf2 and the member
   // function’s type have C++ language linkage
   FUNC_c mf2;

   // the name of the data member q has C++ language
   // linkage and the data member’s type is pointer to
   // C function
   static FUNC_c* q;

你可以使用typedef来模拟你想要的行为.从§7.5/ 4的另一个例子,

extern "C" typedef void FUNC();

// the name f2 has C++ language linkage and the 
// function’s type has C language linkage
FUNC f2;


extern "C" typedef void callback_t();

callback_t A_callback; // declare function with C++ name and C type

struct A
    static callback_t &callback; // not a member function

// in source file:

// definition matches semantics of declaration,although not syntax
void A_callback() { ... }

// define static member reference
callback_t &A::callback = A_callback;

g(A::callback); // call syntax is emulated

在实践中,很少有所作为. C和C在大多数平台上使用兼容的调用约定(请参阅Jonathan Wakely在此页面上的异常注释),只要不尝试传递或返回非POD C类类型即可.这是C的一个较不实施的功能,因为术语的混乱混乱和从微妙到学术的概念差异.


