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发布时间:2020-12-15 07:18:30 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:基于OSX的系统更新的实时要求,它可能随时禁止诸如过期版本Flash Player的运行。在企业环境中,及时更新普通用户的Flash Player有时是一个头痛的问题。 这个脚本可以在线下载最新版Flash Player并安装。使用范围,可以利用企业内部的机制来处理,比如munki或

基于OSX的系统更新的实时要求,它可能随时禁止诸如过期版本Flash Player的运行。在企业环境中,及时更新普通用户的Flash Player有时是一个头痛的问题。

这个脚本可以在线下载最新版Flash Player并安装。使用范围,可以利用企业内部的机制来处理,比如munki或Casper等的内部self service功能,或者ARD远程推送,或者Puppet等后台推送等等。
同时,此脚本好包括了更新Google Chrome的部分,以供参考。


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# update to the most current Google Chrome browser and/or Flash Player
# If you org doesn't have a automatic updating policy setup,or you
# would like to take the control of it,or whatever reason,try this.
# It download the most current installation package from their offcial
# home website,unpack it and install or copy it over.
# For Google Chrome,it copies to /Application folder,so it's better
# to quit any running Chrome instance.
# For Flahs Player,user may have to close and relaunch Safari to
# got it catch up the update.
# How to use?
# please read the online readme,just fire it with -h option.
# Examples:
# $ update_chrom_Flashplay.sh -h
# Get the online help/readme
# $ update_chrom_Flashplay.sh -a
# Update both of them
# $ update_chrom_Flashplay.sh -i chrome
# Update Google Chrome only
# $ update_chrom_Flashplay.sh -i flash
# Update Flahs Player only
# 2015-10-10: Initial
# 2015-10-23: comments update
# Note/Causion:
# Run this script with root privilege.
# The download link coud be changed anytime
# Version 1.1
# Tony Liu,2015

# ---------------------------
# Help
# ---------------------------
usage="$(basename "$0") [-h|--help] [-a|--all] [-i [options]] where: -h|--help show this help text -a|--all install all -i|--install [options] chrome install Google Chrome web browser flash install Flash Player"

# ---------------------------
# Install Google Chrome.app
# ---------------------------
   /usr/bin/curl --output "$temp_dmg" "$fileURL";
    ls -la $temp_dmg

    TMPMOUNT=`/usr/bin/mktemp -d /tmp/googlechrome.XXXX`;
    hdiutil attach "$temp_dmg" -mountpoint "$TMPMOUNT" -nobrowse -noverify -noautoopen;
    ls -la $TMPMOUNT

    #/usr/sbin/installer -pkg "$(/usr/bin/find $TMPMOUNT -maxdepth 1 ( -iname *.pkg -o -iname *.mpkg ))" -target "/";
    cp -Rf $TMPMOUNT/Google Chrome.app /Applications/
    xattr -c -r /Applications/Google Chrome.app

    /usr/bin/hdiutil detach "$TMPMOUNT";
    /bin/rm -rf "$TMPMOUNT";
    /bin/rm -rf "$temp_dmg";

# jamf policy -trigger CBE_Adobe_Flash_Player
# ---------------------------
# Install Adobe_Flash_Player
# ---------------------------
    osvers=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F. '{print $2}')
    flash_major_version=`/usr/bin/curl --silent http://fpdownload2.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/update/current/xml/version_en_mac_pl.xml | cut -d,-f 1 | awk -F" '/update version/{print $NF}'` fileURL="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/mac/install_flash_player_"$flash_major_version"_osx_pkg.dmg"; flash_dmg="/tmp/flash.dmg"; if [[ ${osvers} -lt 6 ]]; then echo "Adobe Flash Player is not available for Mac OS X 10.5.8 or below."; fi if [[ ${osvers} -ge 6 ]]; then /usr/bin/curl --output "$flash_dmg" "$fileURL"; TMPMOUNT=`/usr/bin/mktemp -d /tmp/flashplayer.XXXX`; hdiutil attach "$flash_dmg" -mountpoint "$TMPMOUNT" -nobrowse -noverify -noautoopen; /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "$(/usr/bin/find $TMPMOUNT -maxdepth 1 ( -iname *.pkg -o -iname *.mpkg ))" -target "/"; /usr/bin/hdiutil detach "$TMPMOUNT"; /bin/rm -rf "$TMPMOUNT"; /bin/rm -rf "$flash_dmg"; fi } for i in "$@" do case $i in -h|--help) EXTENSION="${i#*=}" echo "$usage" ;; -a|--all) install_flashplayer install_chrome exit 0 ;; -i|--install) options="${i#*=}" shift # past argument=value ;; *) if [ "$options" = "-i" ]; then options="${i#*=}" fi # unknown option ;; esac done echo "Options=$options" case $options in chrome) install_chrome ;; flash) install_flashplayer ;; esac echo "Done!" exit 0



