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fusioncharts 3.4 抛弃swf的方式,采用纯js的html5 进行图表绘制

发布时间:2020-12-15 07:04:37 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:1. 适用msline 绘制多线图表的时候,原来的json对象无法绘制线型的问题。 主要是 用于 3.4 之前的版本 json 对象中的? categories :? 可以是一个对象。而在3.4 版本中必须是一个 数组 。 { "chart": { "caption": "Number of visitors last week","subCaptio

1. 适用msline 绘制多线图表的时候,原来的json对象无法绘制线型的问题。

主要是 用于 3.4 之前的版本 json 对象中的?categories:?

可以是一个对象。而在3.4 版本中必须是一个 数组

   "chart": {
      "caption": "Number of visitors last week","subCaption": "Bakersfield Central vs Los Angeles Topanga","xAxisName": "Day","showborder": "0","yAxisName": "No. of visitors","paletteColors": "#6baa01,#008ee4","bgAlpha": "0","borderAlpha": "20","canvasBorderAlpha": "0","usePlotGradientColor": "0","plotBorderAlpha": "10","legendBorderAlpha": "0","legendShadow": "0","captionpadding": "20","showXAxisLines": "1","axisLineAlpha": "25","divLineAlpha": "10","showValues": "0","showAlternateHGridColor": "0","animation": "0","showYAxisValues": "0","yAxisNamePadding": "100","showtooltip": "0"
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               "label": "Tue"
               "label": "Wed"
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               "label": "Thu"
               "label": "Fri"
               "label": "Sat"
               "label": "Sun"
   ],"annotations": {
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         "seriesname": "Bakersfield Central","data": [
               "value": "15123"
               "value": "14233"
               "value": "25507"
               "value": "9110"
               "value": "15529"
               "value": "20803"
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         "seriesname": "Los Angeles Topanga","data": [
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               "value": "12800"
               "value": "22800"
               "value": "12400"
               "value": "15800"
               "value": "19800"
               "value": "21800"


