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发布时间:2020-12-15 00:59:45 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:Many thanks to both of you. I'll give the options a try and let you know what happens. You will still need to write automation code manually.? I just found out the Iframe is outside the Flash application. Here is a screen shot. I need to b

Many thanks to both of you. I'll give the options a try and let you know what happens.

You will still need to write automation code manually.?

I just found out the Iframe is outside the Flash application. Here is a screen shot. I need to be able to click on the links down the left side to open a report. All I am testing is that the report opens.

Congratulations and thanks for the development of a wonderful tool for Adobe flex automation. It would be really helpful if you guys could share the development plan and roadmap for RiaTest features. I am evaluating couple of technologies for my client whose application is a hybrid of Java,HTML,Flex,DB and windows technologies.
also I am looking for something like DB query builder feature for the DB level chekpoints etc.

Thanks in advance.

Do you use RIATest Agent static embedding or Runtime Loading? Can you see RIATest Agent toolbar when the browser is launched?

I am using static embeding and i cannot see the agent toolbar when my application is launched in browser.?

And one more question..
While using local loader my application is not visible while it is launched in browser. It just shows RIATest loader is loading AUT.?
Can u please help i am new to this.....

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A picture is worth a thousand words. If you need to describe a particular screen situation please consider including a screenshot.

Select entire text in the Messages window and copy/paste it to your email (or save in a file and attach to the email).

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?? 古人云:古怪之人必有古怪之能。


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