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Swift 开发:自定义 GroupBox 案例

发布时间:2020-12-14 06:18:56 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:1 封装一个view // // UIGroupBox.swift // groupbox // Created by 开发 on 17/4/27. // Copyright ? 2017 年 黄涛 . All rights reserved. // import UIKit class UIGroupBox : UIView { func drawInfo(width: CGFloat ,txt: NSString ){ drawText = txt;

1 封装一个view


// UIGroupBox.swift

// groupbox

// Created by 开发 on 17/4/27.

// Copyright ? 2017 黄涛. All rights reserved.


import UIKit

class UIGroupBox :UIView {

func drawInfo(width:CGFloat,txt:NSString){

drawText = txt;

drawStart = 30;

drawEnd = width + 30;


var drawText:NSString ="";

var drawStart:CGFloat =0;

var drawEnd:CGFloat =0;

override func drawRect(rect:CGRect) {

self.backgroundColor =UIColor.grayColor();

let context =UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()


let path =CGPathCreateMutable()

let w:CGFloat =self.frame.width;

let h:CGFloat =self.frame.height;

let space:CGFloat =50;

let font2 = UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(16)

let dic:[String:AnyObject]? = [NSForegroundColorAttributeName:UIColor.whiteColor(),NSFontAttributeName :font2];

drawText.drawAtPoint(CGPoint(x:drawStart + space + 10,y: space - 10),withAttributes:dic);

//1 x = 开始位置 间隔长度, y 间隔长度

CGPathMoveToPoint(path,nil,drawStart + space,space)

//2 x = 间隔长度, y 间隔长度

CGPathAddLineToPoint(path,space,0)"> //3 x = 间隔长度, y 总高度 间隔长度

CGPathAddLineToPoint(path,h - space)

//4 x = 总宽度 间隔长度, y 总高度 间隔长度

CGPathAddLineToPoint(path,w - space,0)"> //5 x = 总宽度 间隔长度, y 间隔长度

CGPathAddLineToPoint(path,0)"> //6 x = 总宽度 间隔长度, y 间隔长度

CGPathAddLineToPoint(path,space + drawEnd,0)"> //添加到context






2 调用方法

// ViewController.swift


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var mainView: UIView!

override func viewDidLoad() {



let box = UIGroupBox();

box.drawInfo(120,txt: "标题测试应用")

box.frame = CGRectMake(0,0,mainView.frame.width,mainView.frame.height);



override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {


// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.



3 效果图


