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Unity3D Sqlite使用

发布时间:2020-12-12 20:13:30 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:使用untiy也快两年了。突然没事做。所以就想总结点什么。我在网络上看到得大部分u3d实现本地数据得方面都是使用sqlite得方案。其实这也可以想像。我最早也是用拖入dll得方式来实现得。但是后面我其实有些时候我得插件不一定能支持得了2.0得环境。 因为untiy






public class AESqlite {
	public enum SqliteState{
	OK = 0,/* Successful result */
	ERROR = 1,/* SQL error or missing database */
	INTERNAL = 2,/* Internal logic error in SQLite */
	PERM = 3,/* Access permission denied */
	ABORT = 4,/* Callback routine requested an abort */
	BUSY = 5,/* The database file is locked */
	LOCKED = 6,/* A table in the database is locked */
	NOMEM = 7,/* A malloc() failed */
	READONLY = 8,/* Attempt to write a readonly database */
	INTERRUPT = 9,/* Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt()*/
	IOERR = 10,/* Some kind of disk I/O error occurred */
	CORRUPT = 11,/* The database disk image is malformed */
	NOTFOUND = 12,/* Unknown opcode in sqlite3_file_control() */
	FULL = 13,/* Insertion failed because database is full */
	CANTOPEN = 14,/* Unable to open the database file */
	PROTOCOL = 15,/* Database lock protocol error */
	EMPTY = 16,/* Database is empty */
	SCHEMA = 17,/* The database schema changed */
	TOOBIG = 18,/* String or BLOB exceeds size limit */
	CONSTRAINT = 19,/* Abort due to constraint violation */
	MISMATCH = 20,/* Data type mismatch */
	MISUSE = 21,/* Library used incorrectly */
	NOLFS = 22,/* Uses OS features not supported on host */
	AUTH = 23,/* Authorization denied */
	FORMAT = 24,/* Auxiliary database format error */
	RANGE = 25,/* 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range */
	NOTADB = 26,/* File opened that is not a database file */
	ROW = 100,/* sqlite3_step() has another row ready */
	DONE = 101,/* sqlite3_step() has finished executing */
	private static extern int aear_genTracker(string detectorFile,string trackerFile);
	/// 打开数据库连接,此方法与sqlite3_open()对应
	/// /// 数据库文件的路径
	/// /// 打开数据连接成功时,返回数据库连接对象;否则返回IntPtr.Zero。
	/// 当返回的Intptr为IntPtr.Zero时,表明打开数据库连接失败。
	/// 当使用完此方法返回的数据库连接对象时,需要调用AESqlite.Close方法关闭数据库连接。
		public static IntPtr Open(string dbFile){
			IntPtr pDb= IntPtr.Zero;
			sqlite3_open(dbFile,ref pDb);
			return pDb;
	/// Compiling An SQL command. 与sqlite3_prepare_v2()对应
	/// /// Sql Statement
	/// /// /// 数据库连接对象
	/// /// 
	/// 编译sql statment成功时,返回statment对象;否则返回IntPtr.Zero。
	/// 当返回IntPtr.Zero时,表明编译sql statement失败;
	///当使用完此方法返回sql statement对象时,需要调用AESqlite.FinalizeStmt()释放sql statement对象
		public static IntPtr Prepare(string sqlStatement,IntPtr pDb){
		IntPtr pStmt= IntPtr.Zero;
		IntPtr pzTail = IntPtr.Zero;
		sqlite3_prepare_v2(pDb,sqlStatement,-1,ref pStmt,ref pzTail) ;
		return pStmt;
	/// Step the specified pStmt.
	/// /// P statement.
		 public static SqliteState Step(IntPtr pStmt){
			return (SqliteState)sqlite3_step(pStmt);
	/// 释放sql statement对象占用的资源
	/// /// 由AESqlite.Prepare()所创建的sql statement对象
		public static bool FinalizeStmt(IntPtr pStmt){
			return true;
	/// 关闭数据库连接
	/// /// 由AESqlite.Open()所创建的数据库连接对象
		public static bool Close(IntPtr pDb){
			return true;
	/// 返回最近操作sqlite3数据库时,所产生的错误
	/// /// 数据库连接对象
	/// /// 返回的字符串为UNICODE编码格式
		public static string Errmsg(IntPtr pDb){
			IntPtr strPtr = sqlite3_errmsg16(pDb);
			return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(strPtr);
		public static int ColumnInt(IntPtr pStmt,int iCol){
			return sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,iCol);
		public static double ColumnDouble(IntPtr pStmt,int iCol){
			return sqlite3_column_double(pStmt,iCol);
		/// 返回的字符串为UNICODE编码格式
		public static string ColumnText(IntPtr pStmt,int iCol){
			IntPtr strPtr = sqlite3_column_text16(pStmt,iCol);
			return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(strPtr);
		public static long LastInsertRowId(IntPtr pDb){
			return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(pDb);
		public static UnityEngine.Vector2 Sqlite3GetTable(IntPtr pDb,string cmd  )
			int  nRow = 0;
			int  Column = 0;
			string errmsg = "";
			IntPtr dbResult = IntPtr.Zero;
			Debuger.Log ((SqliteState)sqlite3_get_table(pDb,cmd,ref dbResult,ref nRow,ref Column,ref errmsg));
			return new UnityEngine.Vector2(Column,nRow);
		public static IntPtr Sqlite3FreeTable( IntPtr dbResult )
			return sqlite3_free_table(dbResult);
		private static extern int sqlite3_open(string filename,ref IntPtr ppDb);
		private static extern int sqlite3_prepare_v2(IntPtr pDb,string sqlText,int nByte,ref IntPtr ppStmt,ref IntPtr pzTail);
		private static extern int sqlite3_step(IntPtr pStmt);
		private extern static int sqlite3_finalize(IntPtr pStmt);
		private extern static int sqlite3_close(IntPtr pDb);
		private extern static int sqlite3_column_int(IntPtr pStmt,int iCol);
		private extern static double sqlite3_column_double(IntPtr pStmt,int iCol);
		private extern static IntPtr sqlite3_column_text16(IntPtr pStmt,int iCol); //返回的字符串为UTF-16编码格式
		private extern static IntPtr sqlite3_errmsg16(IntPtr pDb); //返回的字符串为UTF-16编码格式
		private extern static long sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(IntPtr pDb);
		private extern static IntPtr sqlite3_get_table(IntPtr pDb,string cmd,ref IntPtr dbResult,ref int nRow,ref int Column,ref string  errmsg);
		private extern static  IntPtr sqlite3_free_table( IntPtr dbResult );


