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AngularJS $watch vs $watchCollection:这是更好的性能?

发布时间:2020-12-17 08:31:52 所属栏目:安全 来源:网络整理
导读:对于观察对象范围变量,是$ scope。$ watch with objectEquality设置为true OR $ scope。$ watchCollection更好? 对于一个$ scope对象变量(如15个属性,一些嵌套的2级深度)用视图中的输入元素和ng-model更新,$ scope有多糟糕$ watch with objectEquality设
对于观察对象范围变量,是$ scope。$ watch with objectEquality设置为true OR $ scope。$ watchCollection更好?

对于一个$ scope对象变量(如15个属性,一些嵌套的2级深度)用视图中的输入元素和ng-model更新,$ scope有多糟糕$ watch with objectEquality设置为true?这是一件值得避免的事吗?

是$ watchCollection更好的解决方案吗?


// ctrl scope var
  $scope.filters = {
    name: '',info: {test: '',foo: '',bar: ''},yep: ''
    // etc ...

  // ctrl watch ?
  $scope.$watch('filters',function(newVal,oldVal) {
    if(newVal !== oldVal) {
      // call with updated filters

  // or ctrl watch collection ?
  $scope.$watchCollection('filters',oldVal) {
    if(newVal !== oldVal) {
      // call with updated filters

  // view input with ng-model
  <input type="text" ng-model="filters.name" />
  <input type="text" ng-model="filters.info.test" />
  <input type="text" ng-model="filters.yep" />
  // etc ...

The $watchCollection() function is a sort-of mid-ground between the
two $watch() configurations above. It’s more in-depth than the
vanilla $watch() function; but,it’s not nearly as expensive as the
deep-equality $watch() function. Like the $watch() function,the
$watchCollection() works by comparing physical object references;
however,unlike the $watch() function,the $watchCollection() goes
one-level deep and performs an additional,shallow reference check of
the top level items in the collection.

see this explanation


