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angularjs – 如何防止错误:[ng:btstrpd]应用程序已经使用此元

发布时间:2020-12-17 07:37:17 所属栏目:安全 来源:网络整理
导读:使用角流星v 0.9 试图获得一个预包装的AngularMeteor-SmartAdmin示例应用程序正确加载 获取错误: Error: [ng:btstrpd] App Already Bootstrapped with this Element 'document' 有没有办法弄清楚为什么会发生这个错误? 这是我的流星上市: angular:angular
使用角流星v 0.9



Error: [ng:btstrpd] App Already Bootstrapped with this Element 'document'



angular:angular-animate                               1.4.0  AngularJS (official) release. For full...
angular:angular-cookies                               1.4.0  AngularJS (official) release. For full...
angular:angular-resource                              1.4.0  AngularJS (official) release. For full...
angular:angular-route                                 1.4.0  AngularJS (official) release. For full...
angular:angular-sanitize                              1.4.0  AngularJS (official) release. For full...
angularui:angular-ui-router                           0.2.15  angular-ui-router (official): Flexibl...
angularui:ui-utils                                    0.2.4  Angular-ui-utils package for meteor.
autopublish                                           1.0.3  Publish the entire database to all cli...
cfs:http-methods                                      0.0.29  Adds HTTP.methods RESTful
gsklee:ngstorage                                      0.3.0  ngStorage package for Meteor
http                                                  1.1.0  Make HTTP calls to remote servers
insecure                                              1.0.3  Allow all database writes by default
less                                                  1.0.14  The dynamic stylesheet language
meteor-platform                                       1.2.2  Include a standard set of Meteor packa...
planettraining:angular-translate                      2.7.0  Angular Translate
planettraining:angular-translate-loader-static-files  2.7.0  Angular Translate
planettraining:angular-translate-loader-url           2.7.0  Angular Translate
planettraining:angular-translate-storage-cookie       2.7.0  Angular Translate
planettraining:angular-translate-storage-local        2.7.0  Angular Translate
selchenkov:angular-bootstrap-ui                       0.0.1  Meteor 
urigo:angular             0.9.0


<div ng-include="'client/index.ng.html'">

路径总是绝对的,如Angular Meteor教程中提到的

It’s very important to note – the paths are always absolute,not relative! so if ‘index.ng.html’ was inside a client folder,you would have to place the whole path from the route app,doesn’t matter where you’re calling the file from.
like this (e.g. if index.ng.html was in the ‘client’ folder):

<div ng-include="'client/index.ng.html'"></div>


