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scala – 当主管重新启动关联的Actor时,是否更新了ActorRef?

发布时间:2020-12-16 19:19:28 所属栏目:安全 来源:网络整理
导读:如果我像这样创建一个日志记录演员 val logger: ActorRef = actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new Logger())) 并且记录器由于异常而重新启动,我的记录器停止写入磁盘. 我一直在发送消息记录器!味精 假设当主管重新启动我的日志记录演员时,ActorRef没有更新,我是否

val logger: ActorRef =
    actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new Logger()))





应该由Akka正确更新ActorRef以指向actor的新实例. docs明确指出:

A reference pointing to a terminated actor does not compare equal to
a reference pointing to another (re-created) actor with the same path.
Note that a restart of an actor caused by a failure still means that
it is the same actor incarnation,i.e. a restart is not visible for
the consumer of the ActorRef


When actorOf() is called it assigns an incarnation of the actor
described by the passed Props to the given path. An actor incarnation
is identified by the path and a UID. A restart only swaps the Actor
instance defined by the Props but the incarnation and hence the UID
remains the same.

The lifecycle of an incarnation ends when the actor is stopped. At
that point the appropriate lifecycle events are called and watching
actors are notified of the termination. After the incarnation is
stopped,the path can be reused again by creating an actor with
actorOf(). In this case the name of the new incarnation will be the
same as the previous one but the UIDs will differ.

An ActorRef always represents an incarnation (path and UID) not
just a given path. Therefore if an actor is stopped and a new one with
the same name is created an ActorRef of the old incarnation will not
point to the new one.



final val defaultStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = {
  def defaultDecider: Decider = {
    case _: ActorInitializationException ? Stop
    case _: ActorKilledException         ? Stop
    case _: Exception                    ? Restart



