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bash – ansible回答mysql_secure_installation

发布时间:2020-12-16 01:17:03 所属栏目:安全 来源:网络整理
导读:我无法实现如何编写任务,即回答 mysql_secure_installation脚本问题. 我只有 shell: mysql_secure_installation '1111' executable=/bin/bash 并没有关于如何继续回答的想法. 解决这个问题的最佳方法是什么?提前致谢! 我认为你最好的办法是编写一个将重现m
我无法实现如何编写任务,即回答 mysql_secure_installation脚本问题.


shell: mysql_secure_installation  <<< '1111' executable=/bin/bash


我认为你最好的办法是编写一个将重现mysql_secure_installation脚本的剧本(或更好的,改变你的mysql角色).有几个原因 :





- name: Adds Python MySQL support on Debian/Ubuntu
      apt: pkg="python-mysqldb" state=present
      when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'

    - name: Adds Python MySQL support on RedHat/CentOS
      yum: name=MySQL-python state=present
      when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'



- name: Sets the root password 
  mysql_user: user=root password="{{ mysql_root_password }}" host=localhost


- name: Deletes anonymous MySQL server user for ansible_fqdn
  mysql_user: user="" host="{{ ansible_fqdn }}" state="absent"

- name: Deletes anonymous MySQL server user for localhost
  mysql_user: user="" state="absent"


- name: Secures the MySQL root user for IPV6 localhost (::1)
  mysql_user: user="root" password="{{ mysql_root_password }}" host="::1"

- name: Secures the MySQL root user for IPV4 localhost (
  mysql_user: user="root" password="{{ mysql_root_password }}" host=""

- name: Secures the MySQL root user for localhost domain (localhost)
  mysql_user: user="root" password="{{ mysql_root_password }}" host="localhost"

- name: Secures the MySQL root user for server_hostname domain
  mysql_user: user="root" password="{{ mysql_root_password }}" host="{{ ansible_fqdn }}"


- name: Removes the MySQL test database
  mysql_db: db=test state=absent

这应该做到这一点.请注意,我快速浏览了一下系统中的mysql_secure_installation.我可能跳过了某些内容,或者其他版本中可能还有其他步骤. YMMV!


