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发布时间:2020-12-14 04:33:38 所属栏目:Windows 来源:网络整理
导读:我想保持我的组件/组件与源代码的观点明确分开但我在某些情况下(可能与扩展无关)也需要将它们打包在同一个dll中. 是否可以在一个DLL中打包一些.NET程序集?如果是这样,怎么样? 如果可能,你认为这是一个好主意吗?为什么? 任何帮助赞赏! 看看这篇文章: Me




看看这篇文章: Merging .NET assemblies using ILMerge

As you know,traditional linking of
object code is no longer necessary in
.NET. A .NET program will usually
consist of multiple parts. A typical
.NET application consists of an
executable assembly,a few assemblies
in the program directory,and a few
assemblies in the global assembly
cache. When the program is run,the
runtime combines all these parts to a
program. Linking at compile time is no
longer necessary.

But sometimes,it is nevertheless
useful to combine all parts a program
needs to execute into a single
assembly. For example,you might want
to simplify the deployment of your
application by combining the program,
all required libraries,and all
resources,into a single .exe file.

csc /target:library /out:ClassLibrary1.dll ClassLibrary1.cs
vbc /target:library /out:ClassLibrary2.dll ClassLibrary2.vb
vbc /target:winexe /out:Program.exe 
    /reference:ClassLibrary1.dll,ClassLibrary2.dll Program.vb


ilmerge /target:winexe /out:SelfContainedProgram.exe 
        Program.exe ClassLibrary1.dll ClassLibrary2.dll


