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Windows中的bower init命令错误(gitbash)

发布时间:2020-12-14 04:17:17 所属栏目:Windows 来源:网络整理
导读:当我在gitbash中运行bower init时,会显示以下错误: bower ENOINT Register requires an interactive shell Additional error details: Note that you can manually force an interactive shell with –config.interactive 问题:mintty.exe Issue 802确实提
当我在gitbash中运行bower init时,会显示以下错误:

bower ENOINT Register requires an interactive shell

Additional error details: Note that you can manually force an
interactive shell with –config.interactive


Issue 802确实提供了一个很好的解释:

I’ve tracked this down to an issue with 07001.

In the bower/lib/config.js file (line 34 for bower v 1.4.1),tty.isatty(1) returns false under mintty.exe,but true if you run cygwin.bat (which is bash --login -i using the Windows terminal).

Here’s a convenient way to check your terminal:

node -e "var tty=require('tty'); console.log('tty.isatty(1):' + tty.isatty(1))"

可能相关:mintty – issue #56 “Improve support for native console programs”.

For those stumbling across this issue looking for a solution,the obvious quick workaround for this issue is to simply avoid using mintty.
This doesn’t mean you have to return to using the Windows terminal for bash,as there are other alternatives:

  • See 07003 and/or 07004 for instructions for configuring Console2 with bash.
  • Turn off the menus,tool bars,and status bars,
  • create a shortcut named “Cygwin” or “Bash“,change the shortcut’s icon to C:cygwin64Cygwin-Terminal.ico and you’ll probably never know the difference.

P.S. If you’ve ever noted other issues with mintty.exe,like msysgit not prompting for a password properly or the node repl not working,this is probably the same issue.


  • do this from the run command
cmd.exe /C "C:Program FilesGitbinbash.exe" --login -i

then bower init will work and you can do everything in minw64,mintty,or git-bash whatever it is called.


If you are using windows run bower init using CMD


if you are using git bash follow these steps:

  • Uninstall existing GIT bash
  • Reinstall GIT bash
  • Set up during installation:
    • 3a: Select> Use Git form the Windows Command Prompt
    • 3b: Select> Checkout Windows-style,commit Unix-style line endings
    • 3c: Select> Use Windows’ default console window


