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qt – 使用QML保存窗口状态

发布时间:2020-12-14 02:47:06 所属栏目:Windows 来源:网络整理
导读:有没有一种很好的方法来记录QtQuick应用程序的窗口状态?该文档提供了以下方法: Settings { property alias x: mainWindow.x property alias y: mainWindow.y property alias width: mainWindow.width property alias height: mainWindow.height 然而,这有

Settings {
    property alias x: mainWindow.x
    property alias y: mainWindow.y
    property alias width: mainWindow.width
    property alias height: mainWindow.height





就我的有限测试显示,我设法制作了一些效果很好的东西.我确实需要做一个hacky位,因为很遗憾Window.visibility在Window.x / y / width / height之后更新,这意味着如果你试图记录窗口几何,你不能只检查状态onXChanged中的Window.visibility.相反,我必须记录前两个值,然后如果窗口最大化则丢弃最近的值.


import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0

Item {
    property Window window

    // Default properties for the application's first run.
    property int defaultX: 100
    property int defaultY: 100
    property int defaultWidth: 500
    property int defaultHeight: 500
    property bool defaultMaximised: false

    Settings {
        id: windowStateSettings
        category: "WindowState"
        property int x
        property int y
        property int width
        property int height
        property bool maximised

    Component.onCompleted: {
        if (windowStateSettings.width === 0 || windowStateSettings.height === 0)
            // First run,or width/height are screwed up.
            curX = defaultX;
            curY = defaultY;
            curWidth = defaultWidth;
            curHeight = defaultHeight;
            curMaximised = defaultMaximised
            curX = windowStateSettings.x;
            curY = windowStateSettings.y;
            curWidth = windowStateSettings.width;
            curHeight = windowStateSettings.height;
            curMaximised = windowStateSettings.maximised
        window.x = prevX = curX;
        window.y = prevY = curY;
        window.width = prevWidth = curWidth;
        window.height = prevHeight = curHeight;

        if (curMaximised)
            window.visibility = Window.Maximized;

    // Remember the windowed geometry,and whether it is maximised or not.
    // Internal use only.
    property int curX
    property int curY
    property int curWidth
    property int curHeight
    property bool curMaximised

    // We also have to save the previous values of X/Y/Width/Height so they can be restored if we maximise,since we
    // can't tell that the updated X,Y values are because of maximisation until *after* the maximisation.
    property int prevX
    property int prevY
    property int prevWidth
    property int prevHeight

    Connections {
        target: window
        onVisibilityChanged: {
            if (window.visibility === Window.Maximized)
                curMaximised = true;
                // Ignore the latest X/Y/width/height values.
                curX = prevX;
                curY = prevY;
                curWidth = prevWidth;
                curHeight = prevHeight;
            else if (window.visibility === Window.Windowed)
                curMaximised = false;
            else if (window.visibility === Window.Hidden)
                // Save settings.
                windowStateSettings.x = curX;
                windowStateSettings.y = curY;
                windowStateSettings.width = curWidth;
                windowStateSettings.height = curHeight;
                windowStateSettings.maximised = curMaximised;

        // We can't use window.visibility here to ignore the maximised geometry because it changes after the geometry.
        // Instead we cache the two previous values and revert them if maximised.
        onXChanged: {
            prevX = curX;
            curX = window.x;
        onYChanged: {
            prevY = curY;
            curY = window.y;
        onWidthChanged: {
            prevWidth = curWidth;
            curWidth = window.width;
        onHeightChanged: {
            prevHeight = curHeight;
            curHeight = window.height;



ApplicationWindow {
    id: mainWindow

    WindowStateSaver {
        window: mainWindow
        defaultWidth: 1000 // Or whatever. You can also specify the defaultX/Y if you want.
        defaultHeight: 700


