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powershell – Cim_PhysicalMemory和Win32_ComputerSystem返回不

发布时间:2020-12-14 02:18:17 所属栏目:Windows 来源:网络整理
导读:我正在尝试编写一个Power Shell脚本,显示服务器(512 GB的物理服务器)中安装的内存量. 我尝试了三种不同的方法,但得到了不同的结果. Win32_PhysicalMemory (Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object -Property Capacity -Sum).Sum)/1GB 返回255.
我正在尝试编写一个Power Shell脚本,显示服务器(512 GB的物理服务器)中安装的内存量.

> Win32_PhysicalMemory

(Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object -Property Capacity -Sum).Sum)/1GB

返回255.99 GB.
> Win32_ComputerSystem

$InstalledRAM = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem

这将返回511.88 GB.
> Cim_PhysicalMemory

$MaxRam = 0
$RamPool = (Get-CimInstance -Class "Cim_PhysicalMemory" | % {$_.Capacity})

foreach ($RamBank in $RamPool) {
    $MaxRam += $RamBank/1024/1024

返回255.99 GB.

Taskmanager / systeminfo显示安装了512 GB.

当我使用Win32_PhysicalMemory打印出安装在不同内存库中的内存时,我得到8个32 GB的库.
但我确定服务器包含512 GB.

有人可以向我解释为什么方法1和3只返回256 GB?

当我查看BIOS时,我看到每个物理处理器分配了256 GB.我的知识不是那么先进但我是否有可能首先请求NUMA节点并且foreach节点检索分配给它的内存量?或者Powershell不可能做到这一点?


CIM_PhysicalMemory和Win32_PhysicalMemory是相同的[ 1].

This property is inherited from CIM_PhysicalMemory.


This value comes from the Memory Device structure in the SMBIOS version information. For SMBIOS versions 2.1 thru 2.6 the value comes from the Size member. For SMBIOS version 2.7+ the value comes from the Extended Size member.


The Extended Size field is intended to represent memory devices larger than 32,767 MB (32 GB – 1 MB),which cannot be described using the Size field. This field is only meaningful if the value in the Size field is 7FFFh. For compatibility with older SMBIOS parsers,memory devices smaller than (32 GB – 1 MB) should be represented using their size in the Size field,leaving the Extended Size field set to 0.



(Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS) | Select-Object SMBIOS*


Win32_ComputerSystem查询来自Win32 api [3]的信息.

Total size of physical memory. Be aware that,under some circumstances,this property may not return an accurate value for the physical memory. For example,it is not accurate if the BIOS is using some of the physical memory. For an accurate value,use the Capacity property in Win32_PhysicalMemory instead.


