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windows-8 – 如何更改我的Windows 8发布者显示名称?

发布时间:2020-12-14 01:47:07 所属栏目:Windows 来源:网络整理
导读:我有一个注册的 Windows 8开发人员帐户.我没有发布任何应用程序或发送事件进行测试.我可以更改我原先要求的出版商名称吗? 这个有可能.从 here开始: The publisher display name is the name under which your apps are listed in the Windows Store. Note
我有一个注册的 Windows 8开发人员帐户.我没有发布任何应用程序或发送事件进行测试.我可以更改我原先要求的出版商名称吗?
这个有可能.从 here开始:

The publisher display name is the name under which your apps are
listed in the Windows Store.

Note You can change this after you sign up,but,if you decide to do
this,you will need to modify that entry in your app’s packages,
upload the updated packages,and then submit the apps for
certification again.



