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windows-10 – Windows 10和网络驱动器

发布时间:2020-12-13 22:48:00 所属栏目:Windows 来源:网络整理
导读:正如您在图像中看到的那样,问题是: 当我浏览带有外部程序的网络文件夹(在本例中为“unloker”)时,连接的网络驱动器不可用.我有很多程序的这个问题. 有人可以帮帮我吗?我已经尝试重新连接驱动器并重新启动. 这是一个干净的Windows 10安装,我尝试过其他三台

这是一个干净的Windows 10安装,我尝试过其他三台电脑,问题是一样的.

这是2006年在Windows Vista中添加的用户帐户控制(UAC)的影响. When you map drives at logon,they are mapped with the filtered token (standard rights). When you now run an application elevated (with full admin token) it can’t see the mapped drives of the normal permissions.

When network shares are mapped,they are linked to the current logon
session for the current process access token. This means that if a
user uses the command prompt (cmd.exe) together with the filtered
access token to map a network share,the network share is not mapped
for processes that run with the full administrator access token.


Click Start,type regedit in the Start programs and files box,and
then press ENTER.

Locate and then right-click the registry subkey

Point to New,and then click DWORD Value.

Type EnableLinkedConnections,and then press ENTER.

Right-click EnableLinkedConnections,and then click Modify.

In the Value data box,type 1,and then click OK.

Exit Registry Editor,and then restart the computer.



