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windows – 是否可以以编程方式找出通过网络锁定文件的进程

发布时间:2020-12-13 21:27:48 所属栏目:Windows 来源:网络整理
导读:我在 Windows 2003服务器上有一个文件,该文件被另一台Windows 2003服务器上运行的进程锁定.是否有可能找出哪台机器锁定此资源的进程.我不介意用哪种语言来做这件事. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897552.aspx PsFile The “net file”
我在 Windows 2003服务器上有一个文件,该文件被另一台Windows 2003服务器上运行的进程锁定.是否有可能找出哪台机器锁定此资源的进程.我不介意用哪种语言来做这件事.


The “net file” command shows you a
list of the files that other computers
have opened on the system upon which
you execute the command,however it
truncates long path names and doesn’t
let you see that information for
remote systems. PsFile is a
command-line utility that shows a list
of files on a system that are opened
remotely,and it also allows you to
close opened files either by name or
by a file identifier.

How it Works

PsFile uses the NET API,which is documented in the Platform SDK.


