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命令行 – 在Windows 2008 Server中从MP3 / WAV文件生成可视化(

发布时间:2020-12-13 20:07:01 所属栏目:Windows 来源:网络整理
导读:是否有(某处) Windows的命令行程序,将从MP3 / WAV创建PNG / JPEG视觉? 编辑: 这是一个很好的例子,说明图像的外观. Sox,“瑞士军刀的音频操纵”,可以从声音文件中产生准确的PNG谱图.它几乎播放任何东西,二进制文件可用于Windows.在最基本的层面上,你会使用
是否有(某处) Windows的命令行程序,将从MP3 / WAV创建PNG / JPEG视觉?


sox my.wav -n spectrogram


sox "Me,London.mp3" -n spectrogram -Y 130 -l -r -o "Me,London.png"


以下是命令行中关于所有可用参数的简要概述,manpage has more details:

-x num  X-axis size in pixels; default derived or 800
-X num  X-axis pixels/second; default derived or 100
-y num  Y-axis size in pixels (per channel); slow if not 1 + 2^n
-Y num  Y-height total (i.e. not per channel); default 550
-z num  Z-axis range in dB; default 120
-Z num  Z-axis maximum in dBFS; default 0
-q num  Z-axis quantisation (0 - 249); default 249
-w name Window: Hann (default),Hamming,Bartlett,Rectangular,Kaiser
-W num  Window adjust parameter (-10 - 10); applies only to Kaiser
-s  Slack overlap of windows
-a  Suppress axis lines
-r  Raw spectrogram; no axes or legends
-l  Light background
-m  Monochrome
-h  High colour
-p num  Permute colours (1 - 6); default 1
-A  Alternative,inferior,fixed colour-set (for compatibility only)
-t text Title text
-c text Comment text
-o text Output file name; default `spectrogram.png'
-d time Audio duration to fit to X-axis; e.g. 1:00,48
-S time Start the spectrogram at the given time through the input


