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发布时间:2020-12-14 01:22:47 所属栏目:Linux 来源:网络整理
导读:OPEN_MAX是定义单个程序允许的最大打开文件数的常量. 根据Beginning Linux Programming第4版,第101页: The limit,usually defined by the constant OPEN_MAX in limits.h,varies from system to system,… 在我的系统中,目录/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/

根据Beginning Linux Programming第4版,第101页:

The limit,usually defined by the constant OPEN_MAX in limits.h,varies from system to system,…



值得一提的是,Beginning Linux Programming的第4版于2007年出版;它的一部分可能有点过时了. (这不是对这本书的批评,我还没读过.)


另一个宏FOPEN_MAX应该是相似的;我想不出OPEN_MAX和FOPEN_MAX如果定义的话应该有不同的值的原因.但是FOPEN_MAX是C语言标准的强制要求,因此系统没有选择不定义它. C标准说FOPEN_MAX

expands to an integer constant expression that is the minimum number of files that
the implementation guarantees can be open simultaneously





# ifdef __GNU__
#  define PATH_MAX 4096
#  define MAXPATHLEN 4096
#  define OPEN_MAX 256 /* We define a reasonable limit.  */
# endif


/* The kernel header pollutes the namespace with the NR_OPEN symbol
   and defines LINK_MAX although filesystems have different maxima.  A
   similar thing is true for OPEN_MAX: the limit can be changed at
   runtime and therefore the macro must not be defined.  Remove this
   after including the header if necessary.  */  
#ifndef NR_OPEN
# define __undef_NR_OPEN
#ifndef LINK_MAX
# define __undef_LINK_MAX
#ifndef OPEN_MAX
# define __undef_OPEN_MAX
#ifndef ARG_MAX
# define __undef_ARG_MAX


/* We do not provide fixed values for 

   ARG_MAX      Maximum length of argument to the `exec' function
                including environment data.

   ATEXIT_MAX   Maximum number of functions that may be registered
                with `atexit'.

   CHILD_MAX    Maximum number of simultaneous processes per real
                user ID. 

   OPEN_MAX     Maximum number of files that one process can have open
                at anyone time.

   PAGE_SIZE    Size of bytes of a page.

   PASS_MAX     Maximum number of significant bytes in a password.

   We only provide a fixed limit for

   IOV_MAX      Maximum number of `iovec' structures that one process has
                available for use with `readv' or writev'.

   if this is indeed fixed by the underlying system.


