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发布时间:2020-12-13 19:50:09 所属栏目:Linux 来源:网络整理
导读:给定一个MP3,我想将文件中的波形解压缩成一个图像(.png) 有没有一个可以做我需要的包? 解决方法 使用sox和gnuplot可以创建基本的波形图像: sox audio.mp3 audio.dat #create plaintext file of amplitude valuestail -n+3 audio.dat audio_only.dat #remov



sox audio.mp3 audio.dat #create plaintext file of amplitude values
tail -n+3 audio.dat > audio_only.dat #remove comments

# write script file for gnuplot
echo set term png size 320,180 > audio.gpi #set output format
echo set output "audio.png" >> audio.gpi #set output file
echo plot "audio_only.dat" with lines >> audio.gpi #plot data

gnuplot audio.gpi #run script

要创建更简单/更漂亮的东西,请使用以下GNU Plot文件作为模板(将其保存为audio.gpi):

#set output format and size
set term png size 320,180

#set output file
set output "audio.png"

# set y range
set yr [-1:1]

# we want just the data
unset key
unset tics
unset border
set lmargin 0             
set rmargin 0
set tmargin 0
set bmargin 0

# draw rectangle to change background color
set obj 1 rectangle behind from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1
set obj 1 fillstyle solid 1.0 fillcolor rgbcolor "#222222"

# draw data with foreground color
plot "audio_only.dat" with lines lt rgb 'white'


sox audio.mp3 audio.dat #create plaintext file of amplitude values
tail -n+3 audio.dat > audio_only.dat #remove comments

gnuplot audio.gpi #run script

基于this answer的一个类似的问题,对于文件格式而言更为普遍,但对于使用的软件则不太一般.


