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linux – Subversion使用过于严格的权限创建修订目录

发布时间:2020-12-13 18:59:31 所属栏目:Linux 来源:网络整理
导读:今天早上,我尝试对Subversion进行修订,发现突然间我没有这样做的许可. Can't move '/svn/db/txn-protorevs/21000-ga9.rev' to '/svn/db/revs/21/21001':Permission Denied 看一下revs目录,我注意到有人提交了第21000个修订版,并且由于某种原因缺少新目录的组


Can't move '/svn/db/txn-protorevs/21000-ga9.rev' to '/svn/db/revs/21/21001':
Permission Denied


    drwxrwsr-x  2 svn    svn  24K 2008-10-27 10:04 19
    drwxrwsr-x  2 svn    svn  24K 2008-12-18 07:13 20
    drwxr-sr-x  2 jeff   svn 4.0K 2008-12-18 11:18 21


如果您有多个开发人员通过file:// protocol访问存储库,您可能需要研究如何设置Subversion服务器(使用svnserve或Apache).使用该解决方案,服务器本身负责存储库文件的所有访问和权限,您将不会遇到此问题.

从SVN Book:

  • Do not be seduced by the simple idea of having all of your users access a repository directly via file:// URLs. Even if the repository is readily available to everyone via a network share,this is a bad idea. It removes any layers of protection between the users and the repository: users can accidentally (or intentionally) corrupt the repository database,it becomes hard to take the repository offline for inspection or upgrade,and it can lead to a mess of file permission problems (see 07001). Note that this is also one of the reasons we warn against accessing repositories via svn+ssh:// URLs—from a security standpoint,it’s effectively the same as local users accessing via file://,and it can entail all the same problems if the administrator isn’t careful.


