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nginx – pread()只读yyyy的xxxx

发布时间:2020-12-13 21:12:25 所属栏目:Nginx 来源:网络整理
导读:有时,nginx不会将任何数据发送回浏览器(Chrome中的ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE). 检查服务器error.log后,我发现这些奇怪的消息: 2013/10/20 23:57:40 [alert] 29146#0: *35 pread() read only 4653 of 4656 from "~/htdocs/index.html" while sending response to c



2013/10/20 23:57:40 [alert] 29146#0: *35 pread() read only 4653 of 4656 from "~/htdocs/index.html" while sending response to client,client:,server: localhost,request: "GET / HTTP/1.1",host: "localhost"
2013/10/20 23:57:45 [alert] 29146#0: *36 pread() read only 4653 of 4656 from "~/htdocs/index.html" while sending response to client,host: "localhost"
2013/10/20 23:58:18 [alert] 29146#0: *38 pread() read only 4650 of 4653 from "~/htdocs/index.html" while sending response to client,host: "localhost"
2013/10/20 23:58:18 [alert] 29146#0: *39 pread() read only 4650 of 4653 from "~/htdocs/index.html" while sending response to client,host: "localhost"
2013/10/20 23:58:19 [alert] 29146#0: *40 pread() read only 4650 of 4653 from "~/htdocs/index.html" while sending response to client,host: "localhost"
2013/10/21 00:02:21 [alert] 29146#0: *41 pread() read only 4629 of 4641 from "~/htdocs/index.html" while sending response to client,host: "localhost"
2013/10/21 00:02:21 [alert] 29146#0: *42 pread() read only 4629 of 4641 from "~/htdocs/index.html" while sending response to client,host: "localhost"
2013/10/21 00:02:23 [alert] 29146#0: *43 pread() read only 4629 of 4641 from "~/htdocs/index.html" while sending response to client,host: "localhost"
2013/10/21 00:02:31 [alert] 29146#0: *44 pread() read only 4629 of 4641 from "~/htdocs/index.html" while sending response to client,host: "localhost"
2013/10/21 00:02:46 [alert] 29146#0: *45 pread() read only 4629 of 4641 from "~/htdocs/index.html" while sending response to client,host: "localhost"


我发现this russian forum thread说它与open_file_cache指令有关.

有道理,因为我正在使用Sublime Text和it doesn’t do atomic file saves.


