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asp.net – .net 4.5 iis HighDensityWebHosting

发布时间:2020-12-16 09:53:36 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:网络整理
导读:在.net 4.5的更改日志中,有一个新设置的 mention configuration !-- ... -- runtime performanceScenario value="HighDensityWebHosting" / !-- ... -- 但实际上并没有很好的描述这个设置实际受到什么影响,我们是否应该在生产时安装.net 4.5后更改它.有人可
在.net 4.5的更改日志中,有一个新设置的 mention

  <!-- ... -->
    <performanceScenario value="HighDensityWebHosting"  />
  <!-- ... -->

但实际上并没有很好的描述这个设置实际受到什么影响,我们是否应该在生产时安装.net 4.5后更改它.有人可以分享有关此设置更改的详细信息吗?


Tuning GC for high-density Web hosting: GC can impact a site’s memory
consumption,but it can be tuned to enable better performance. You can
tune or configure GC for better CPU performance (slow down frequency
of collections) or lower memory consumption (that is,more frequent
collections to free up memory sooner). To enable the GC tuning,you
can select the HighDensityWebHosting setting in the aspnet.config…

> Source

Once a site is running,its use of the garbage-collector (GC) heap can
be a significant factor in its memory consumption. Like any garbage
collector,the .NET Framework GC makes tradeoffs between CPU time
(frequency and significance of collections) and memory consumption
(extra space that is used for new,freed,or free-able objects).

For the .NET Framework 4.5,instead of multiple standalone settings,a
workload-defined configuration setting is available that enables all
of the previously recommended GC settings as well as new tuning that
delivers additional performance for the per-site working set.

> Source,强调我的




