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asp.net-core – 在Swagger中使用属性XML注释作为参数描述

发布时间:2020-12-16 09:43:47 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:网络整理
导读:我使用ASP.NET Core创建了一个Web API,并使用swagger来创建文档.我在API端点上使用 XML注释来提供文档中的其他信息.招摇的配置是: services.AddSwaggerGen(c = { c.SwaggerDoc("v1",new Info { Title = "My API",Version = "v1" }); // Set the comments pa
我使用ASP.NET Core创建了一个Web API,并使用swagger来创建文档.我在API端点上使用 XML注释来提供文档中的其他信息.招摇的配置是:

services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
            c.SwaggerDoc("v1",new Info { Title = "My API",Version = "v1" });

            // Set the comments path for the Swagger JSON and UI.
            var basePath = AppContext.BaseDirectory;
            var xmlPath = Path.Combine(basePath,"MyAPI.xml");


/// <summary>
    /// Find an existing appointment using the visitor information: First name,last name,email,phone.
    /// </summary>
    /// <url>http://apiurl/api/appointments/appointmentsByVisitor</url>
    /// <param name="criteria">consists of one or more of:  Firstname,lastname,phone</param>
    /// <returns>Existing appointment data in an Appointment object or a business error.</returns>
    /// <response code="200">Returns the existing appointment event.</response>
    /// <response code="400">Returns if no parameters are specified.</response>            
    /// <response code="204">Returns if there's no matching appointment.</response>
    /// <response code="500">Returns if there's an unhandled exception.</response>
    public IActionResult AppointmentsByVisitor([FromQuery] VisitorSearchCriteria criteria) {}


public class VisitorSearchCriteria
    /// <summary>
    /// Visitor first name.
    /// </summary>
    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Visitor last name.
    /// </summary>
    public string LastName { get; set; }

    // several other properties....


Swagger parameter listing




First,enable XML documentation file creation during build. In Solution Explorer right-click on the Web API project and click Properties. Click the Build tab and navigate to Output. Make sure XML documentation file is checked. You can leave the default file path. In my case its binSwaggerDemoApi.XML


