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asp.net – 在mod_mono和Apache上的Appdomain回收设置

发布时间:2020-12-16 06:57:19 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:网络整理
导读:如何在mod_mono上控制ASP.NET应用程序运行的应用程序回收设置?阿帕奇? 在IIS6 7当AppDomain被回收并且应用程序基本上执行Application_End()/ Application_Start()时,可以选择指定时间段,多个请求等. 我在mod_mono上看到了同样的行为. Apache,但我无法找到

在IIS6& 7当AppDomain被回收并且应用程序基本上执行Application_End()/ Application_Start()时,可以选择指定时间段,多个请求等.

我在mod_mono&上看到了同样的行为. Apache,但我无法找到更改设置的位置.


从 http://www.mono-project.com/Mod_mono#Automatic_restart_of_the_mod-mono-server_backend开始


Automatic restart of the
mod-mono-server backend

mod_mono can automatically restart the
Mono (mod-mono-server) backend that is
handling requests after a certain
amount of time. This is useful if you
find that the mono process is growing
indefinitely over time,or if you just
need to make sure you clean house
every so often.

There are two automatic restart
methods: one based on time,and one
based on the number of requests
served. You can active them as

Auto-restart after three hours.
1 MonoAutoRestartMode Time
2 MonoAutoRestartTime 00:03

The time format above is

Auto-restart after 10,000 requests served.
1 MonoAutoRestartMode Requests
2 MonoAutoRestartRequests 10000

As with most other mod_mono directives,the first parameter to a directive can be the name or alias of a mod-mono-server. This is always optional and is omitted in the examples above.


