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发布时间:2020-12-16 06:49:57 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:网络整理
导读:有没有办法检测何时尝试出站连接排队? 我们的ASP.NET应用程序向其他Web服务发出大量的出站请求.最近我们遇到了主要的性能问题,其中对特定端点的调用需要很长时间才能完成或超时.该服务的所有者未发现任何性能问题.当我们分析网络流量时,我们确实看到了HTTP



    <add address="http://some.endpoint.com" maxconnection="96" />

这确实使我们对端点的调用大大减少了.但是,我们注意到这导致我们的整体入站请求需要更长时间才能完成.那是我们遇到Microsoft KB 821268的时候.遵循“经验法则”指南,我们提出了以下额外更改:

<processModel maxWorkerThreads="100" maxIoThreads="100" minWorkerThreads="50"/>
<httpRuntime minFreeThreads="704" minLocalRequestFreeThreads="608"/>


但是,几天后,我们注意到我们的网站性能不佳,我们看到了一些SQL Server超时.我们的DBA没有看到服务器性能有任何不妥,所以这看起来像是类似的事情再次发生;我们想知道增加到some.endpoint.com的连接是否导致其他出站呼叫排队,可能是由于线程不足.




您所描述的问题涉及许多诊断领域,我认为没有一个简单的工具可以让您说出您是否遭受过争用.从您的描述中看起来就像耗尽了连接或线程池.这通常涉及线程锁定.除了@Simon Mourier指出的HttpWebRequest Average Queue Time性能计数器(记得在 config file中设置performancecounters =“enabled”),还有更多要监控的.我将从自定义性能计数器开始,它将监视ASP.NET应用程序中的线程池使用情况 – 遗憾的是它们不包含在框架计数器中,但它们实现起来非常简单,如 here所示.另外,我写了一个简单的PowerShell脚本,它将分组为你在应用程序中处理状态.您可以从 here获得它.它类似于Linux中的一个顶级命令,它将显示您的进程的线程状态或线程等待原因.看看2个应用程序(都命名为Program.exe)截图:


> .ThreadsTop.ps1 -ThreadStates -ProcMask Program

Threads states / process

Process Name    Initialized       Ready     Running     Standby  Terminated     Waiting  Transition     Unknown
------------    -----------       -----     -------     -------  ----------     -------  ----------     -------
Program                   0           0           0           0           0          22           0           0


> .ThreadsTop.ps1 -ThreadWaitReasons -ProcMask Program

 0  - Waiting for a component of the Windows NT Executive| 1  - Waiting for a page to be freed
 2  - Waiting for a page to be mapped or copied          | 3  - Waiting for space to be allocated in the paged or nonpag
ed pool
 4  - Waiting for an Execution Delay to be resolved      | 5  - Suspended
 6  - Waiting for a user request                         | 7  - Waiting for a component of the Windows NT Executive
 8  - Waiting for a page to be freed                     | 9  - Waiting for a page to be mapped or copied
 10 - Waiting for space to be allocated in the paged or nonpaged pool| 11 - Waiting for an Execution Delay to be resolve
 12 - Suspended                                          | 13 - Waiting for a user request
 14 - Waiting for an event pair high                     | 15 - Waiting for an event pair low
 16 - Waiting for an LPC Receive notice                  | 17 - Waiting for an LPC Reply notice
 18 - Waiting for virtual memory to be allocated         | 19 - Waiting for a page to be written to disk

Process Name      0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
------------      -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Program           1   0   0   0   0   0  34   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   3   0   0   0   0


> .ThreadsTop.ps1 -ThreadStates -ProcMask Program

Threads states / process

Process Name    Initialized       Ready     Running     Standby  Terminated     Waiting  Transition     Unknown
------------    -----------       -----     -------     -------  ----------     -------  ----------     -------
Program                   0           1           6           0           0          20           0           0


> .ThreadsTop.ps1 -ThreadWaitReasons -ProcMask Program

 0  - Waiting for a component of the Windows NT Executive| 1  - Waiting for a page to be freed
 2  - Waiting for a page to be mapped or copied          | 3  - Waiting for space to be allocated in the paged or nonpag
ed pool
 4  - Waiting for an Execution Delay to be resolved      | 5  - Suspended
 6  - Waiting for a user request                         | 7  - Waiting for a component of the Windows NT Executive
 8  - Waiting for a page to be freed                     | 9  - Waiting for a page to be mapped or copied
 10 - Waiting for space to be allocated in the paged or nonpaged pool| 11 - Waiting for an Execution Delay to be resolve
 12 - Suspended                                          | 13 - Waiting for a user request
 14 - Waiting for an event pair high                     | 15 - Waiting for an event pair low
 16 - Waiting for an LPC Receive notice                  | 17 - Waiting for an LPC Reply notice
 18 - Waiting for virtual memory to be allocated         | 19 - Waiting for a page to be written to disk

Process Name      0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
------------      -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Program           1   0   0   0   0   0  18   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   6   0   0   0   0


您可以随意修改我的脚本,以便将此数据转储到除控制台之外的其他位置(如数据库).最后,我建议运行诸如Concurrency Visualizer之类的分析器,它可以让您更深入地了解应用程序中的线程行为.启用system.net trace sources也可能有所帮助,尽管事件的数量可能非常大,因此请尝试相应地调整它.


